View Full Version : Just want to cry

19-07-15, 08:37
So I've been thinking that my hayfever was really bad but I'm now thinking it's probably a virus as my cough/scratchy throat isn't as bad today but my head is banging, I ache all over and just have that flu feeling where your head feels like it doesn't belong to you.

The thing is my husband is getting really annoyed with me, we've not been getting on for several reasons and this weekend I've felt lousy and just wanted to be left alone but he's now having a go at me about why I'm so quiet and how I've not wanted to do anything with the family and how I'm making no effort with anything.

Sorry I know this isn't marriage guidance it's just I feel ill and I really don't feel like I should be punished for this. I think the reason I've come down with this virus is I've been so stressed the last few weeks with us arguing that my immune system is probably low. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I know he finds my HA hard to deal with and I understand that but I just feel like i haven't got the energy for this anymore.


19-07-15, 09:47
Partners who dont suffer from H.A sometimes find it very hard to deal with especially when our mind starts racing and we try and seak reasurance or we think the worse, My wife is the same with me she just thinks im being stupid and in reality i am being stupid, And then its a vicious circle when they dont help our anxiety and we feel crappy and worried

19-07-15, 14:21
I've just recovered from a virus. It mainly consisted of a dry scratchy throat with an annoying cough. It took me 3 weeks to get over it. I get where your husband is coming from. He probably thinks that your HA would be helped by spending time with your family doing normal things. He is probably right too. Some HA sufferers would rather stayed curled up on the lounge or bed because they feel that their symptoms are reduced that way. I have a tendency to be like that. It is probably a blessing that I work in a job that keeps me really busy. I hope you feel better soon.

19-07-15, 20:19
Thanks Guys.

I've felt a bit better as the day went on, still don't have much of an appetite and still coughing but it feels like it's loosening up although the guy opposite us has just thoughtfully decided to light a huge bonfire and the smoke is drifting in my windows and really not helping, so had to shut them all in this heat :mad:

I did have a chat with hubby and said I wasn't trying to be difficult or wallow but just really haven't felt well and he said that was fine but he needed to know as he thought I was just being unsociable and not wanting to do anything as a family.

I do feel for my hubby as I know it must be impossible to live with me at times but on the other hand when you feel out of sorts the last thing you need is to feel like someone is having a go at you.

Thanks Swajj glad I'm not the only one with this horrible thing, having said that I saw my niece today who was coughing as much as me and she said she had it all last week but also had a cold and a really sore throat, she said she still feels full of it now over a week on so I'm feeling a bit more reassured that it's a horrible summer virus doing the rounds.