View Full Version : New here, sertraline(zoloft) user

19-07-15, 10:37
Hello all, I am new here, I am a 27 year old single mum of three, my daughter is 9 and my son's are 7 and 2. I become depressed when my relationship very suddenly and unexpectedly broke down. I lost my house and my freedom, my daughter has OAS an allergy to all things associated with pollen and my oldest son has possible SPD. so life is rather hectic.

A few months ago thing began to really go down hill for me and I could no longer cope. I had a nervous breakdown and my gp prescribed me sertraline 50mg. I was so anxious I stopped going out even people coming in my home made me nervous and I felt constantly sick even at the thought of leaving the house.

I've been on sertraline now for 6 weeks, but 4 weeks at 100mg and I feel as though I'm still adjusting but I am feeling so much better already, I have taken my children out for fun days and my house is nice and tidy and I don't shout at the kids hardly at all anymore. I still have side effects I'm hoping over time these will lessen. Anyway that's me and I just wanted to share my story and progress somewhere and say hello :)

19-07-15, 10:57
Hello to you too.

Great to hear that the Sertraline is helping you. I myself am on 50mg and have been for 4 weeks. I go back to the docs at the end of the month and feel the dosage needs to be increased.

19-07-15, 11:41
I did notice at four weeks there was break through anxiety and a small set of bad days where I was depressed but that seems to be lifting now.

19-07-15, 13:49
That's good to know Candy thank you.

20-07-15, 02:22
Hi and welcome
I found the side effects lasted about 6 weeks.
I'm on about week 9 of 50mg and pretty happy with that dosage.
You may just need a couple more weeks to adjust rather than an increase

20-07-15, 16:10
Hello all I spoke to my doctor today, I'm taking 100mg at night he told me I'm taking it at the wrong time of day, he told me to switch to take it in the morning with breakfast, I'm scared about going all night without it and taking it at a new time :/ I'm nervous about what's gonna happen... am I going to have withdrawal????

20-07-15, 17:36
I am sure someone more knowledgeable will answer but I believe enough Sertraline would stay in your system so that you won't get withdrawal symptoms.

20-07-15, 21:15
Hi, when I was taking zoloft years ago I could accidentally miss an entire dose and be ok. I used to take mine in the mine in the mornings. I'm sure you'll be fine with the change over of times. Don't let your mind trick you into thinking you won't be :winks:

21-07-15, 12:52
Hello, so today I switched from night to morning 100mg sertraline, I felt okay earlier but now I'm feeling shaky and spaced out until feel like I want to sleep but I'm not going to. My dad has taken the kids to soft play thank goodness so I get to relax in the quiet for a little while. I'm feel very edgy though

21-07-15, 12:57
the edginess is probably just normal anxiety ,i took sert and it worked well for me,taking it in the morning is the correct time to take as it can disrupt sleep if you take it at night
Try and relax as much as you can today but also do something gentle to help with distraction
good luck

22-07-15, 14:29
So today is day two on the morning doses, I do actually feel much better this way I sleep better too. My dad has been helping me with the kids for the last few weeks but he is very grumpy and always moaning at the kids. I'm worried that his negativity is causing stress and rubbing off on me :(

22-07-15, 16:22
Great news you are feeling a bit better taking the tablets in the morning.

What have the kids said, if anything?

22-07-15, 21:06
Yeh I do feel much better, I had family over for a few hours today and genuinely enjoyed their company, we had a good time laughing while the kids played. My kids have said they feel he's a bit grumpy but he's the only one to help me and I'm extremely grateful to him. I do notice I get light headed on situations with high anxiety, waiting in a line for example or in a place i cant easily exit, or a crowded but i think this will calm down eventually.

22-07-15, 21:59
:-) sounds like you had a lovely day. I think you are right it will calm down little by little.

Feeling light headed is normal too, I also get like that when my anxiety kicks in.

22-07-15, 23:25
Hello all I spoke to my doctor today, I'm taking 100mg at night he told me I'm taking it at the wrong time of day, he told me to switch to take it in the morning with breakfast, I'm scared about going all night without it and taking it at a new time :/ I'm nervous about what's gonna happen... am I going to have withdrawal????
I take mine with breakfast and don't have any probs

24-07-15, 00:00
Today is my third day taking sertraline in the morning I feel much much better for it, I had bags of energy, I get out of bed super happy now and laugh and play with the kids, the house looks amazing and is effortlessly clean. I did feel sick yesterday evening and a little today but my son had a poorly tummy today so could be a big rather than the medicine. Other than that there isn't much to tell. I'm due to go to hospital tomorrow on my elbow, I broke it years ago after having my second child and the bone chipped off and has fused inside the joint so I need keyhole surgery on it, last time I went to the hospital I felt bad because it was hot in there, my stress levels were through the roof and it was crowded with no nearby exit.... so I left. Hopefully I feel better tomorrow and can make it to my appointment. Wish me luck :)

24-07-15, 00:42
Good Luck Candy :bighug1:

24-07-15, 07:23
Good luck, let us know how you get on.

24-07-15, 12:24
Thank you :) I'm struggling this morning, my toddler keeps saying "feel sick" then I ask him and he says no, feel fine. I have social phobia and emetophobia so I'm a little worried. Part of me wants to rebook it. I know it's not a big deal if I do but I need to sort my arm out. It's been struck with limited range for months now and its painful :/

24-07-15, 20:47
Hello, so we made it to the hospital thank you to some kind advice from a fellow member here, I was able to stick it out and get my arm looked at. I need surgery for sure so now I have seen the surgeon they can book me in. The side effects of sertraline, since switching to the morning are now pretty much gone and I do feel happier a think about situations in a more balanced way. Other than hospitals apparently

24-07-15, 20:57
Hi Candy,

Well done on managing to ride out the anxiety in order to visit the hospital. :yesyes:

I assume your stress levels weren't through the roof like last time. Although you did say you could think balanced when it doesn't concern hospitals so maybe they were. Haha.

I started taking 50mg Sertraline 3 weeks ago and have always taken it at 8:30AM. My side effects were nausea, diarrhoea, sensitive teeth and insomnia. They were really bad for the first week and a half. I have the odd day when I have one or two of these symptoms but the worst is definitely gone now. Most days, I feel fine.

Many people say the effect is most noticeable after the 4 week mark. Here's hoping. :D

24-07-15, 21:53
Hi zim, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better on them now, I am at five weeks on 100% I still experience some anxiety but I'm not as bad as I once was I'm going to wait another week then go back to the dr if my anxiety is still bad. I also had nausea and diarrhoea for a while. I had heightened anxiety, tremor and headache too but taking hit in the morning is much better :)

27-07-15, 11:03
Hello everyone stalking this thread, this Thursday marks six weeks on sertraline at 100mg! I was beginning to think it wasn't working for me but lately I've had bags of energy I'm cleaning more and when my kids asked to go to the shop we just went, no anxiety or thinking up horrible scenarios and no intrusive thoughts of what ifs, we went to the beach and I did feel a bit anxious but mainly because if I don't eat often enough I get light headed. So chasing my child around the beach and feeling light headed made me leave but we got to the beach which was the main thing. Hope you are all doing well?

27-07-15, 11:31
Great news it is having a positive impact on you. At the end of this week I will be six weeks on 50mg and whilst I do think there has been an improvement I am not where I thought I would be.

Sounds like you had a great weekend :-)