View Full Version : blood pressure arr

eddie d
03-02-07, 13:32
im obsessed with my blood pressure.ever since the doc told me it was /is a little high ,i cant stop checking it .and the more i check it the higher it goes.i cant keep it out of my mind .its high because im anxcious and im anxious because its high.
i need to calm down .

03-02-07, 13:59
Eddie i was like you i scared me when the doctor told me and then to top it all he told me i had high chlesterol to.

But it is down to the stress of anxiety try not to worry to much and i still check my BP most days.


04-02-07, 11:56
Continual checking won't help to be honest.

If the doc's are that worried they will prescribe medication for it so try not to worry too much ok?

What was the reading do you know?


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