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19-07-15, 15:06
I find writing poetry helps to vent my anxiety.
I thought I would post something I have recently written:

Yorkshire Moors

It’s inviting, yet grey, desolate and bleak
Interesting with a feeling of sadness which engulfs
Strong yet with the sweep of the wind it becomes weak
Silence, except the sound of a solitary raven
Scratchy green shrubs stretch for miles
It’s our very own hidden haven
I wasn’t born to this hilly land
But I always felt sure to call it my own
Someone came to me and took my hand
And now it’s my home.

19-07-15, 19:13
Im not sure that writing poetry helps me but I do find that it can allow me to focus for a time.

Thanks for your poem

NE21 worrier
10-11-15, 23:04
Definitely think we should have a poetry thread on here.

This is quite bleak - it represents where I still am in life, even if I haven't posted a while. It is also a bit of a stream of consciousness but it did let out some emotion and help me stir from a low mood so I am glad for it this evening, in a way:

And all the things I want in life
They seem slowly to drift away from me

Like grains of sand between my fingers

Like embers from a bonfire suffocated by the cool autumn air

It all feels rather hopeless

And some people have their perfect job

And some people are getting married

And some people are having babies

And some people have all of this

And some people have none of this

And yeah I'm jealous

Yet why should I even try any more

I know I'll never be like them

I throw obstacles in my way

And it's hard to be a happy shiny person

When you're constantly hurdling

And falling

So here I find myself again

Three pints under

Or rather I don't find myself

For I already know that there are no answers

At the bottom of the pint glass

However much I squint

However much I hope sometimes

You see, somebody told me that once


Somebody needs to help me sometimes

The scariest thing is

That person is always me

Also found on my blog at http://theintrepidreporter.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/things-havent-gone-to-plan.html