View Full Version : yellow film in corner of eye

19-07-15, 17:03
I have noticed that I have a yellowish film in the outer corner of my eye. Another thing that has all of a sudden come up. What's wrong with me?

19-07-15, 17:12
Hi Ker92ri,

As my HA is also related to my eye health, I have to urge you to try not to focus on them too much. I made the mistake of doing so and speaking from experience, it only makes matters worse and you will discover more and more ailments. I started by seeing bloodshot eyes and yellow tints in the corners. I realised later that everybody has a yellow tint in the corner of their eyes.

Although I am still extremely scared myself, the best thing I did to relieve some of my anxiety was to completely stop looking in the mirror at my eyes. I suggest you do the same and I hope some of your worries subside soon.

Good luck :)

19-07-15, 17:19
What's wrong with me?

You're hyper focused on your eyes and looking for validation of your fears.

Positive thoughts

19-07-15, 17:23
I have always had that.

I have had hay fever since when I was a child.

Nothing to worry about.

19-07-15, 17:25
There actually is a clear raised yellow area in the corner of my eye and I've asked other people to look at it and they can see it too. It seems to have showed up since the doc put yellow dye in my eye. I'm scared she's damaged it

20-07-15, 20:43
There actually is a clear raised yellow area in the corner of my eye and I've asked other people to look at it and they can see it too. It seems to have showed up since the doc put yellow dye in my eye. I'm scared she's damaged it

The yellow dye is Fluorescein and is harmless. It very rarely causes any side effects and even the very rare side effects it can have amount to just mild irritation at the most.