View Full Version : Swollen right tonsil and scratchy throat

19-07-15, 21:46

I'm a 25yo male, I don't smoke (altho my mum and dad are heavy smokers) and I probably only drink a Desperados once a month not a keen alcohol drinker.

back on the 30th of june i noticed that my right tonsil was swollen but had no symptoms.

went to my doctor on the 8th of july and she said it could be glandular fever and did blood tests and tests were all clear.

Tonsil hasn't changed in size really it's just really annoying me that it's there.

Developed a scratchy burning sensation in the back of my throat.

Quick pick sorry if it is too much information.


Please replace the "h**p" with "http"

Going to get another appointment tomorrow as i don't like the fact she has not called me in for a followup just to try and find out what it is.

it will be coming up to a month with these issues

Do you think it's worth asking her for a referral. I don't want her to think i'm a menace.

I also suffer from depression and anxiety.

Any help would be appreciated


19-07-15, 21:54
It looks fine my friend, the small tonsil look like mine and the enlarged one looks identical to my mrs , it may of swelled due to infection and may never return it doesn't look unhealthy at all, but by it being bigger it may be more likely to catch bacteria and get tonsil stones maybe scratchy feeling, try and do a salt water gargle 3 times a week once at night before bed will help your mouth and throat stay clean , don't worry pal

19-07-15, 21:57
@tmckenzie-orr. Thanks for the quick reply dude. One thing i have learned is to never google symptoms when you suffer from depression and anxiety.

19-07-15, 22:01
Hope it helps my friend, just don't worry , it's fine and like u said u don't drink don't smoke and u cannot be majorly old so don't worry can always get a electric humidifier in ur bedroom by ur bed that will help also but salt water gargle is fantastic I do it all the time

19-07-15, 22:08
Never a good idea to Google you symptoms. I'm still trying to tell my self this...answers are enough to unsettle any one.

19-07-15, 22:16
Never a good idea to Google you symptoms. I'm still trying to tell my self this...answers are enough to unsettle any one.

Indeed. Google is an absolute joke when it comes to illness symptoms.