View Full Version : On holiday continuous attacks.

20-07-15, 02:49
So for the past 24hrs I've had a massive panic attack. I'm currently on holiday with a friend without my parents for the first time and I'm frealing out. We're getting near the end of the holiday but I've nearly booked a ticket home 3x's!

In the past 3 days I think I've slept for about 6hrs? I'm shattered but I fall asleep and then I wake up shaking in a panic not knowing what to do?

This is driving me crazy, I've never had a panic attack last this long.

I've been texting my mum and she's supportive and normally the one that helps me when I get like this but she's not here and I can't calm down. It doesn't help that my friend and her family don't understand anxiety and think I'm the biggest wimp going.

Sorry this is so long I didn't know where else to write it! :)

20-07-15, 03:25
I get like this when I'm away from certain people too. You will be just fine tho :) I know it doesn't feel like it right now but the more you get used to being away the stronger you will be dealing with these things in the future. It really is better to force yourself through these things to prove to yourself that you are strong enough :) say a prayer and just trust God :D i don't mean to get preachy but he helps me everyday :)

20-07-15, 17:32
hi nervous girl,
I'm sorry you're going through this. It totally sucks and it's even worse that the people you're with don't understand. Plenty of people who have experienced anxiety know how terrible it is and I honestly think anxiety sufferers are some of the bravest people around given what we go through.
The only thing you can do really is get through it, I'm sure you'll start to become back to your normal self when you're back in your comfort zone.
Take care best wishes

20-07-15, 23:25
When you're feeling anxious just close your eyes and imagine you are somewhere where you feel safe and relaxed or speaking with your Mum and the as you relax do some deep breathing....xxx

23-07-15, 18:48
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way, but what you are experiencing is separation anxiety. I've been struggling with the thing as well. Whenever I've got to be away from home for a longer period of time, I get full blown panic attacks. What's really happening is that your subconscious mind will try and do anything to make you feel like you're going to die on this trip and will convince you that the panic is so bad and unmanageable that you've got no other choice but to go back home to safety. If you do what your panic is telling you to do, you've lost the battle.

When you actually think about it, it's not the place itself that is causing you to feel a certain way; it's the associations you've made with this place as your mind is clearly connecting it to something negative and unpleasant, thus causing you panic attacks. If you could just bring your anxiety levels down, you would be able to think more clearly about the situation and tell yourself that you are there to have fun and enjoy yourself. You can't feel panic and happiness at the same time, so try and do something to cheer you up and make you think positive thoughts. Remember that you're just as safe where you are now as you would be if you were back home. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise. Panic attacks have never killed anyone, otherwise there wouldn't be so many of us on this site lol

I hope you feel better soon! :)