View Full Version : Colostomy operation and permanent stoma bag

20-07-15, 10:21
Hello all, i have had GAD for 5 years. I had cancer treatment last year and am now waiting fora colostomy operation which will leave me with a permanent stoma bag. I would be very grateful to hear from anyone who has a stoma bag and can tell me positive news about it. Thank you

20-07-15, 22:26
Hello! :welcome:

Don't mind me sticking my head in just to say hi! Hopefully someone will be able to relate on a personal level and chat with you about what to expect, and so forth. I can tell you my gran was quickly able to take her colostomy in stride and go on with her life, it didn't slow her down much at all! :D. Most people were completely unaware of the extra bit of self-care it meant she was doing. You get quick at it, apparently.

Marie :flowers:

21-07-15, 03:38
I met a lady the other day who has lived with one for 40 years. I would have had no idea looking at her. And you are in the best of company: the Queen Mother had one and Sir Cliff Richard had one that was reversed.