View Full Version : Constant Fear

20-07-15, 11:35
Hey there,
I've been having panic attacks since I was younger but recently they've been starting up again more and more frequently. It's gotten to the point where I'm constantly trying to control them etc. I only get them when I think about death or dying, and I can't stop thinking about it and every time I do I just am overcome with fear.
Last night I had a severe episode where I was thrashing around the bed, crying and ended up vomiting, this scared my boyfriend and he doesn't really know how to handle it, and neither do I. I can usually feel one coming up and respond with involuntarily hitting myself or just having slight ticks.
I'd really love some advice on how to deal with this, I'm just so over feeling this way and it's really taking over my life.

20-07-15, 13:01
Hi Redmoon my name is Ross i have the same problem constantly thinking im going to die the only thing i can suggest is i went to doctors and asked for a full check over i came back clear so i have to tel myself that every time i start freaking out easier said then done i know.

i helps me some calm down most of the time but i still struggle on a daily basis but hope it can help you.

Take care and hope to hear how your getting on some time i'm always hear to talk if you want.
