View Full Version : So worried :(

20-07-15, 16:20
So I went to the doctors today, after having a scratchy throat for nearly a week which has materialised into a cough then going off my food at the weekend and generally feeling unwell, nausea, temp , headache I went to the GP.

They said I have a virus, checked chest and throat said both ok, throat looked red but definitely no infection there and I have a temperature and all the classic symptoms of a virus which can take up to a couple of weeks to clear.

So I come home and am in floods of tears thinking I have leukemia.

I just feel lousy, the rational side of my brain says I work in an infant school where loads of the kids have been sick, my co worker started with a bad throat the same day as me and came into work today saying she was in bed all day yesterday feeling terrible and is getting by on lemsips. I've been under a lot of stress lately so my immune system has probably taking a hammering but I can't help thinking what if it's not a virus.

I just feel so lousy which I hasten to add has only come on over the last 2-3 days which the nurse said normally happens with viruses but I just can't stop worrying.

Does anyone else think this sounds like a normal virus?

Think it's time to start taking the venalfaxine :(

20-07-15, 16:25
Doubting medical professionals is a hallmark HA symptom. Of course, it sounds exactly like a virus but as I stated on another thread, if you can't trust a trained medical professional, how will you trust a bunch of strangers on an internet forum?

If you've been prescribed meds to help with your anxiety, it would be wise to start.

Positive thoughts

20-07-15, 16:59
100% a virus, and most certainly not leukemia lol, do some salt water gargles every 2 hours and it will soon get better and keep doing that and then it will pass if u stop worrying and focusin on it dont worry

20-07-15, 18:24
Thank you for the replies, I am trying to keep in mind that my symptoms are changing, it's like the virus is going through stages it's just being ill for someone with HA is the worse thing ever and being told "it'll run it's course" is agony.

I do think I focus on it far too much and that doesn't help, it's like any symptom it always seems worse when you are thinking about it. So I forced myself to eat some toast even though I didn't want it and didn't feel hungry and I actually felt better for it.

So will just keep plodding and hopefully this blooming thing will work it's way out my system soon :mad:

20-07-15, 19:50
Thank you:) If only I fancied cider or wine I could get drunk and forget about it! But no I'm sticking on the lots of weak squash and paracetamol diet, did manage toast as well so not too bad.

21-07-15, 11:40
Virus for sure. I told you about mine the other day. The doctor ended up putting me on an inhaler. She said that antibiotics would no help as it is viral. I'm better now but she said that some people were taking up to 4 weeks to get over it. You don't have

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:09 ----------


21-07-15, 12:12
I went through this a few years ago when I had a really bad virus that lasted two weeks where I couldn't even get out of bed and had horrible body pain and rash. They did blood work to see if it was anything other than a virus, and called me to say it was "inconclusive," which of course made me HA freak out uncontrollably.

It did pass though and was just a virus! These things can hang on a few weeks. I hope you start to turn the corner soon.

21-07-15, 17:11
Thank you so much guys, I think today my cough is slightly better and I don't feel quite so bad as yesterday, I'm having to take paracetamol to get me through the day but have to say when I take them I can pretty much function ok and they did say to take paracetamol with fluids so I guess I need to. The weird thing is I don't feel fatigued which is really odd!

Just wish I could do something to sooth my throat I don't think it's ever been so dry, it's just awful, I've tried gargling, drinking loads but it just feels like it's so dry it's going to seize up! Having said that the cough is slightly looser today and I have managed to cough up some clear stuff (gross I know) so hoping the throat will start to loosen up a bit too soon.

Thank you :)