View Full Version : I have a small <3mm freckle/mole that i just noticed on bottom of foot

20-07-15, 19:04
It could have been there since birth or two weeks. I just don't look at bottom of feet much. I am terrified of cancer of any kind. I did the worse possible thing and visited dr Google. This told me that moles/freckles are rare on the bottom of foot and could be a sign of melanoma.

I went to gp this morning and she said that she was 99.5% sure it's nothing to worry about, but referred me to dermatologist to get it removed.

This spot is flat and not raised, all one color brown, and has regularish borders. It looks alot like freckles ihave on shoulders etc.

How will they cut this off? Scrape, punch, laser? I am worried about recovery time as i work on my feet and a big hole on bottom of my foot isn't ideal.

I'm in shear panic. I hate needles, and fear cancer. I was hoping for a "oh It's nothing to worry about, go home" diagnosis.

Please help

Gary A
20-07-15, 21:11
Based on your description, it has absolutely none of the typical signs of melanoma.

The removal will be very simple, if they even do it. There won't be a hole in your foot, there will be a tiny wound that will be stitched there and then.

20-07-15, 23:24
Dr office called today wroth my derm appointment. It's nearly 5 weeks away. Wife said this is all the confirmation i need as to the severity of the situation. She said if it were even questionable in being melanoma, i would be at derm in a week. Should i seek positive in this?

Nurse that called also said derm may not remove it at all. This was different than what my Dr told me today. I guess derm have veto power on this stuff.

Should i be concerned that I'm waiting this long or should i see this as a positive?


20-07-15, 23:47
Trust me, doctors are told to refer patients just to be safe for this kind of thing, even if they are 99% certain it's fine. The same happened to me just before Christmas, I had a mole that had recently changed, I was convinced it was something bad. Went to the doctor and he said he was 99% sure it's fine but referred me anyway. The derm didn't even feel the need to remove it in the end and said it looks fine.

21-07-15, 00:09
Small, not raised freckle...you are fine, relax...

Gary A
21-07-15, 01:40
Doctors have protocol for things like this. For any cancer risk, there are charecteristics that require doctors to refer on to a specialist within two weeks. You obviously never met the criteria for an urgent two week referral, so yes, that's a big positive.

I'm convinced the dermatologist won't even remove it to be honest with you.

21-07-15, 01:50
I guess i just got confused even my gp is all about removing it at the dermatologist and then when they get my appointment it's so long down the road and are now mentioning "if" they remove it.

I have so bad of anxiety about drs and needles that as my wife said, i get stuck on all the negatives that i hear and don't hear any of the 100 positives that are said to me.

Any advice on how to kick this habit of doom and gloom each time i have a new bump or spot appear?

Thanks all