View Full Version : Anxiety through the roof with depression

20-07-15, 19:08
I've been off my citalopram for a good few weeks now after withdrawing very slowly as I was on them for a good few years on and off. Had to come off because of contraindications with beta lockers I take for fast heart rate. Thinking that this awful latest round of anxiety together with feeling so depressed could be all part of the withdrawal symptoms even though I did it very slowly. Have come home from work after yet again putting on a brave smiley face and I am so exhausted....mountain of jobs to tackle from being out at the weekend but so over faced with it all. Have just had a cry and meltdown as I am so sick of all this and now chest is aching which makes me worry about heart attacks etc with stress and strain as that's my latest HA worry. Need to pull myself together before OH comes home as he doesn't understand. Can't face more anti depressants as so used to Citalopram which was great. Doing CBT but useless Nd trying so hard to relax and read positive stuff but I am so pessimistic. Taking time off this week but will just look at all that needs doing and want to cry.

21-07-15, 22:42
When I came off Prozac I had a big bounce back and low mood for quite a while. It returned to normal in time. But I remember my doc saying to come off Prozac for a while after each course just to enable me to keep using it. So maybe do that. Take a break from cit and then start it again in a few months. It sounds like it helps you.

I've had racing heart rate, thumping heart palps, I never associate anything dangerous with it. It's just a bit unpleasant then it's gone.

22-07-15, 09:44
Thanks Oosh. I can't take Citalopram anymore because apparently there are now contradictions with it if you take beta lockers, which I do. Dr gave me sertraline but I am too frightened to take because of side affects...Citalopram suited me so well for 7 years. CBT isn't helping but trying meditation and mindfulness as best as I can.

24-07-15, 06:19
There are people on here taking Citalopram with Propanolol. Which beta blocker are you taking?

24-07-15, 08:38
sertraline is much milder in terms of side effects compared to citalopram,ive taken both and got on with sert much better.Dont be afraid of it

24-07-15, 09:58
Terry...I take sotalol which is the one you now can't take with cit apparently ...so sorry, didn't mean to cause alarm to anyone if I did, didn't think.

Mr Andy..thanks for that. I am going to try to do without if I can.

24-07-15, 10:12
Ah, right. Thats one of the beta-blockers that are a problem then. I was just wondering because there have been a fair few times I've seen people told things like this by GP's and when you check them they are totally incorrect. GP's can be dodgy with med combinations and I've stood in my chemists a few times to see the pharmacist refuse to dispense things because of interactions that the GP has missed.

Are you on sotalol for a separate condition? Couldn't he switch you to Propanolol?

Something I am scratching my head over here is that both Citalopram & Sertraline have the same Major interaction warning with sotalol. Both of them state that despite this it is possible for a doctor to decide to use them anyway as long as they monitor you properly and tell you to look out for certain side effects.

So, I suggest you look at Drugs.com's interaction checker which shows this.