View Full Version : Sign the petition of vote of no confidence in Jeremy Hunt!

20-07-15, 21:02

Please click the link above and sign the petition for parliament to debate a vote of no confidence in Jeremy Hunt. His comments regarding consultants not working weekends is the last straw. He has cut funds to many services, like public health and mental health, which has jeapodised the lives of many people in this country. We pride our NHS and everybody who works within it to protect and help our people.

It has hit the 10,000 signature mark which means government HAVE to respond to the petition, but if it hits 100,000 then parliament have to consider to debate this issue. This is your way of telling government how you feel about this man, so please sign!

21-07-15, 06:43
Seems more of a union issue, Rennie. I thought both unions and the professional bodies have these talks and wasn't there a vote of no confidence already?

I don't doubt they will get a lot of signatures though.

22-07-15, 17:59
It has certainly been true that accessing Mental Health services has been very difficult recently.

Normally I would get worked up about these things but I find this imperfect world and the News regards public services alongside other stuff just keeps me in my anxious cycle, so whilst im this open to anxiety I'm not sure how much to engage with political discourse ..... wish you well with it

22-07-15, 21:55
In regards to contracts, yes it is the unions and bodies that can handle this, but his latest proposal has been the last straw for us NHS workers who feel put down by him. As the secretary of state for health he seems to make the NHS look bad when HE should be making it better, instead he's doing that by slowly privatising the NHS.