View Full Version : Heart beating heavy

21-07-15, 00:14
Hi folks,

I had an SVT ablation last week, I know there is some recovery involved. My heart rate seems fine at around 72 bpm resting but it's feels like its beating hard like it's a bass drum. Anyone here ever get the same thing or have been trough the same thing?

Since the ablation if I eat I get so bloated as well.

I'm getting frustrated as the doctor said that recovery is a walk in the park, evidentially it's not!



21-07-15, 16:45
I haven't had an ablation but I have a heart condition that often leads to people having them so have heard a number of stories....

There is a period after any heart procedure like an ablation where you might experience a few symptoms whilst your heart adjusts to its new electrical design. After a catheter ablation some people do experience minor rhythm disturbances, palpatations or forceful beats that can occur for a few weeks after the procedure. Things should settle down though. The same thing happened when I had an ICD implanted.

That said, if you are concerned, then contact your cardiologist and let them know - but I suspect they will probably say it is to be expected and just give things a bit of time.