View Full Version : help I'm.back please

21-07-15, 00:47
OK I really was making progress finished therapy moving home stress full getting married doing better with kids but last few days been getting a feeling something stuck on the side of my breast or my lung left side it hurts breathing in and out it goes through too my back my arm and armpit .... My partner thinks it's my lungs after constant masssrge it can't be wind gone on too long I'm also very achy in arms legs and sore calf's .... Shooting pain in my left breast and back is the worst anyone suggest please I really started too get a grip on my life but the fear and the pain and the what its of this scarring me

---------- Post added at 00:47 ---------- Previous post was at 00:37 ----------


21-07-15, 04:15
Hmm i really think you need to make appointment to see your GP it sounds as though you have a lot going on.

21-07-15, 11:06
Good on you for finishing your therapy. It was very short considering the severity of your anxiety a month ago but it obviously worked. Oh wait...you're here...

Gary A
21-07-15, 11:18
If you've finished therapy then you tell us. What do you think is going on here? What techniques are you going to apply to these thoughts in order to combat them? If you've finished therapy (assuming CBT) then you should be better equipped to deal with this stuff on your own. Of course, we'll help if you really need it, but have you even attempted to apply some of your coping techniques to this and see how you get on?

Alternatively, and you only have yourself to blame for this, you haven't finished therapy and you are only saying that so people give your apparent physical symptoms attention without telling you to deal with your anxiety. Who knows?

21-07-15, 12:28
If it hurts breathing in and out its muscle pain you've probably pull one

21-07-15, 12:43
Good on you for finishing your therapy. It was very short considering the severity of your anxiety a month ago but it obviously worked. Oh wait...you're here...

That was my thought as well.

If you've finished therapy then you tell us. What do you think is going on here? What techniques are you going to apply to these thoughts in order to combat them?

Valid questions.

Positive thoughts

21-07-15, 19:40
Guys I don't know all the history going on here but your replies are coming across as a bit strong.

Please take this in the manner in which it was meant.

21-07-15, 20:15
Agreed, Paul. There is a very strong smell of a giant rodent around here.

21-07-15, 20:32
I get the frustration but it does sound very harsh. The way people are responding to each other on the forum makes me personally hesitant to post sometimes. If somebody is not listening to your suggestions and it frustrates you, maybe it's better for your own well being to just avoid the thread and poster.

21-07-15, 20:55
I do get what you're saying, Paul, and agree with you on most of it. I just think there can be a way to challenge people without sounding as aggressive as some posts I have seen on here. It's a tough line to walk between challenging and confronting issues and sounding outright aggressive. And believe me, I know the frustration of feeling like you've tried so hard and had somebody not listen or be dishonest with you when you truly have their wellbeing in mind. I guess it's just the snark and sarcasm that I don't think is necessary when challenging somebody. I also don't think people will be receptive to something snarky either, even if they haven't been receptive to empathy either. It's difficult for sure.

21-07-15, 21:01
I don't post on here much but I do try to keep up with the posts as much as possible.

I totally appreciate the frustration and have felt it myself on many an occasion, especially when people totally ignore the sensible suggestions and go back to focusing on their symptoms. I am afraid that for my own sanity I try not to get too involved.

Agreed that sympathy and feeding the anxiety is no help to anyone and it is not healthy if those trying to help feel as though they are being made a mug off.

Possibly I am reading too much into the tone of the replies but just thought that I would express my concerns.

A very good friend of mine has severe HA and we are both very aware of how frustrating it can be for all involved. I now try and word my responses to posters on here in the same manner that I would say it to her.

I dont mean to cause any offense and Paul, I have taken no offense from your remarks.

21-07-15, 21:10
I think that there's good reason why people are suspicious here. HA isn't a game. People are trying to help fellow sufferers and often make themselves vulnerable by doing so. No-one wants to be taken advantage of though.

21-07-15, 21:28
Pulisa you read my mind , I don't often comment but I feel this deeply the people that have been there for me in the dead of night ( trust me I have been low ) I know he will hate this but don't care , Paul being one of the people who have held me up let me cry and then said you will be fine .
They are also at their most vulnerable and yet still find time to listen and at some stage it does get hard to know what to say when you feel like nothing you do or say has any effect.

By nature of caring it's hard to just not read a post when someone is crying out for help.

You know it's also pretty hard reading the posts and seeing someone talk like that .

Anyway what do I know .
Paul is now going to kick my arse but hey ho I was a wreck a few weeks ago and he stood with me and I am not an easy person to stand with I am by my own admittance pretty mixed up .

21-07-15, 21:34
No I had edmr brain therapy on the list for CBT yes I'm moving home getting married spent time on my own not been scared so im making progress my partner took me too a n e thinking something wrong with my lung due too smoking .... I like smoking I eat healthy and do not drink ... My weight loss stress ..... My heart problem hernia ..
. my leg DVT was a twisted knee cap .... But this pain I brushed under carpet my bf kept asking me if I'm.OK he could see my face I thought it was trapped wind ... We tried .... Nothing worked ... Not anything so I promised him I'd go doctors but I didn't go he took me too hospital ... Demanded answers they think Its gallbladder or nerves I got some nerve pain killers ..... Three times a day going for testes when I follow up gp but it's painful and for once I didn't want too go too hospital he was concerned so I was I turned for help on this site but instead I get slatted no rat here a 26 year old woman going through alot

21-07-15, 21:38
I'm not surprised that Paul has been such a huge help and support to you. The man is a Legend despite his desperate sense of humour and mammoth sweet tooth!:D He represents what NMP is all about and if he's wary, then I'm wary too (not that I wasn't already)

21-07-15, 22:02
No I had edmr brain therapy

What would be one of the techniques you learned in EDMR that you would use to help you rationalize your feelings? Having successfully completed all the phases, you should have some mean coping skills.

Positive thoughts

22-07-15, 04:54
Agreed, I`ve used it myself and as odd as it sounds combining seemingly random eye movements, tapping, humming then rating your feelings, it really did seem to work so I wish you well with it crazymum, stick at it and read up on the originator I think it was Roger Callahan who wrote `tapping the healer within` or similar, Im not 100% sure but he had success with war damaged children in kosovo and sufferers of major trauma.

She had EMDR, you mean Thought Field Therapy (TFT). EMDR is clinically evidenced whereas TFT isn't.

---------- Post added at 04:39 ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 ----------

EMDR is not aimed at trying to resolve thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc in the way that CBT does. From reading about it, it has always seemed to be about the session itself and doesn't aim to provide coping skills as the memory is to be reprocessed as to not need them. swgrl has had it so will be able to explain this as well as crazymum because I don't know if they go through all the stuff about how these elements interact since it's not relevant to the therapy.

So, I think people need to understand that first as she may not have had what people are thinking.

Also, regardless this forum has plenty of people on here daily who have had or are having CBT and could be asked the same question. But in the UK we also have this complication with IAPT where CBT is getting watered down and you can end up having little more than ERP as the Cognitive Restructuring part (stage 2) is getting missed.

---------- Post added at 04:54 ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 ----------

I`d really have a look at some previous posts Elen, no offence or disrespect meant to you when I say this but this poster and her constant barrage of posts about a multitude of health fears caused an awful lot of upset a little while ago.
health anxiety is very real but also has very real steps required to tackle it and I really got to the end of my rope with this lady, as did a number of others when our sincere advice was completely ignored, so its possible that people are trying tough love here rather than being offensive or unhelpful.

That’s not strictly true since some people also complained about what was said which seems to have reappeared in this thread. So, it’s a good recommendation from you to read all the threads so that people can determine the facts without bias.

Tough love is a tricky one on a forum with new people who have no understanding of you and vice versa. It can look pretty bad to other people too and can reflect on your character in their eyes. Tough love would also need to take into account the facts though and given the therapy was EMDR for trauma, not for HA or any other anxiety, it would be an assumption to believe the OP has had everything addressed.

Guys I don't know all the history going on here but your replies are coming across as a bit strong.

Please take this in the manner in which it was meant.

These were the ones I saw which Paul has suggested you read. Did anyone contact the member saying she was leaving?


Since I can’t even find the other 2 (maybe 3), one of which Pipkin locked pending review, and the other one started by Txxxrho that was hijacked and turned into an argument, I’ll assume they have been deleted by Admin.

22-07-15, 08:41
I have had EMDR twice in the last 15 years. It is not just obey session but at least 6 sessions over a period of weeks. It worked for me as a PTSD sufferer and is used for specific traumas. It is now being used to TRY and help general anxiety sufferers but I am not sure how that would work given the process I went through.


22-07-15, 08:50
Six sessions in six weeks guess what guys in hospital suspected blood clot doctor's taken action waiting for my scan bloods xray now .... I feel unconscious .... Last night after the sharp stabbing pain in my back all I remember my hip and leg agony too ..... My heads bad I banged it .... Always trust your instinct I know when my anxiety is that this is me unwell .... Funny I refused too take it so seriously tho ..... Unwell understatement

22-07-15, 09:40
Six sessions in six weeks guess what guys in hospital suspected blood clot doctor's taken action waiting for my scan bloods xray now .... I feel unconscious .... Last night after the sharp stabbing pain in my back all I remember my hip and leg agony too ..... My heads bad I banged it .... Always trust your instinct I know when my anxiety is that this is me unwell .... Funny I refused too take it so seriously tho ..... Unwell understatement

You were the one who brought it to a health anxiety board. If you really know the difference between it being your anxiety and you being unwell then why why wouldn't your first point of call be the ER. In fact, why bring it here at all?

---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:05 ----------

I feel the need to point out that my question is a logical one in response to what you said. It isn't just me doubting what you say.

22-07-15, 10:27
Hope you don't have to wait too long for your results.

Guess they have done Duplex doppler and d-dimer? You can trust those tests.

Moving house can cause a lot of pain if you are physically involved. I could barely walk upstairs after my last move.

22-07-15, 10:48
Almost certain you don't have a blood clot. Since you said the pain was in your back it would suggest that the clot is in your lungs. If that was the case you would be very poorly with extreme shortness of breath among other things. I don't think you would find time to post on the internet, especially if the clot was bad enough to cause you to pass out. I'm no doctor but Im almost willing to bet you will be posting that the doctors found nothing. Gd luck

22-07-15, 12:13
I learned relaxation skills to use in session during the reprocessing if things got too emotional, however it was not as skill-based as CBT.

23-07-15, 10:13
Yes, please let us know lol

23-07-15, 22:07
Think she was on the site yesterday but not seen any sign of her today.

Would be good to know what is happening. Being in hospital for anything is enough to turn me into a deranged lunatic.

23-07-15, 23:04
Hi guys .... I'm OK ish at home .... On morphine's they think its my gallbladder ..... Not a clot .... Or at least hope its not ... My bloods come back OK full bloodcount .... The pain was intense still there I don't know how its my gallbladder in my chest .... And armpit .... But I'm OK .... Ultra sound and then maybe op.... I'm OK now still.in pain sometimes when I eat or drink I'm sweating and hurting in the back .... And I cry in pain but least roughly know what's going on I say rouhly because I need a scan and more investigation needs too be done I'm still terrified it's a clot and I'm really worried

23-07-15, 23:18
I hope you get the help you need and your pain lessens soon!! When do you have your scans?

23-07-15, 23:24

23-07-15, 23:32
Is that really needed?

23-07-15, 23:39
No but it is appropriate. Lol

23-07-15, 23:43
No but it is appropriate. Lol

Is this a supportive comment for an anxious member who's asking for help? It appears not but perhaps you could explain.


23-07-15, 23:47
No I've already done that. I won't be doing it again.

23-07-15, 23:53
No I've already done that. I won't be doing it again.

If you don't feel able to help, a more sensitive approach would be not to comment at all rather than to mock someone who is clearly anxious.


23-07-15, 23:53
So why post on here then?

24-07-15, 00:00
I have been suppoprtive in the past to this person Nicola. She has never acknowledged my suppeort advice. I have my suspicions about the sincerity and identity of this person. I will refrain from commenting on her threads anymore. However if you feel the need to ban me from your forum then I wil understand.

24-07-15, 00:01
No-one needs to be banned. I just think people need to step away and not post if they feel this way.

24-07-15, 00:17
Thanks Nicola. I can't change the way I post. I say what I think but I will refrain from responding to beckie or crazymum anymore.

26-07-15, 06:10
any update crazymum on the scans you need or your pains?
hope you are getting some help and feeling more in control

crazymum was on the site on friday viewing this thread at around 4.30pm so i think she is ok which is good.

Not sure why she did not post though.

26-07-15, 09:09
She's on morphine so is probably not up to posting

26-07-15, 14:03
Yes I've had it too and it can do very weird things to you as it's such a powerful form of pain relief. The main thing is controlling the pain though

28-07-15, 23:14
Hope you are okay, crazymum :hugs:

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 16:31 ----------

Doesn't look like she's logged on since 7/24