View Full Version : Collar bone lymph nodes

21-07-15, 02:31
Today I realized that I can feel what I believed are both of my supraclavicular lymph nodes on my right and left side

They feel kinda rubbery and soft but don't hard and are not fixed.

I've had lymph node fear before but this is really scaring me due to my "gerd" (I use quotes bc I'm not sure if that's what I really have)

I'm scared bc I've had intermittent vomiting, stomach pain, chest pain and fatigue for the last week

Does anyone know if having lymph nodes seemingly identical on both sides means that it's normal or could be tissue?

21-07-15, 09:57
u just answered ur own question, they are rubbery and soft, they are fine Cancerous nodes are hard large and size and fixed, chill relax and stop checking for them :D

22-07-15, 19:41
I read somewhere that cancer nodes are rubbery :(

22-07-15, 19:46
I read somewhere that cancer nodes are rubbery :(

No... I had H&N cancer. Cancerous nodes are hard as rock and immovable. They also continue to grow and would not be affected in symmetry as you describe.

Positive thoughts

22-07-15, 19:49
Thank you so much for your response :)