View Full Version : night sweats, low heart rate ...neck pain...help

21-07-15, 08:00
Hi all. I am not sure what is happening with me lately but I'mcconvinced I have a tumour growing. Or maybe heart failure and iI'll explain why.

I have been getting severe headachew coming from my neck. The pain causes me to be extremely dizzy. Nauseated. Off bbalance I get severe rringing in my ears. And roaring. The pain in my neck is relentless. I think maybe I have something pushing against my cervical spine. .

Let me explain the heart failure. .. Lately at night... And during the day but more so at night ... I wake up with severe roaring in my ears... I have a hot flash and I end up drenched. My stomach gets upset and. I feel like my heart rate is low or like I cannot catch my breath. I pretty much feel like ik dying. This has happened three nights in a row now. . .xand I odnt understand what is happening. Duringg the day iI am so exhausted because I couldn't sleep the night before. . . I'm 29 year old female. . . no history of heart disease and no risk factors for blood clot. I cannot for the life of mefigure out what is hhappening to me. Its scary. I dont want to race to the hospital.... I find it strange that my symptoms.aare happening in the middle of the night. . .

Has anyone experienced anything like this??? Am I dying. What's happening.

21-07-15, 21:05
I am having similar issues. Searching google makes me feel like I'm facing certain death. So i searched for a less common issue that I've noticed. Weakness in my left arm compared to my right. There's a paper weight on my desk that weighs 2-3 lbs. My right arm can pick it up fine. My left arm can pick it up, but it shakes pretty bad when I do. I googled "left arm shakes when lefting weight" and ended up here.... When i looked at recwent posts - I ended up here... In a thread from today; from a person experiencing almost identical things as me.

The main difference is I feel like my heart is speeding up at night. My girlfriend woke me up last night and asked me if I was ok. I asked why. She said I was on fire and covered in sweat.

She doesn't know I woke up like this on my own the night before as well.

This is after a week of headaches and lower back aches (which i happen to not have today).

After a cold shower that she suggested I take - I went back to bed and was shaking bad. Mostly nerves and being cold. But after 20-30 minutes - I felt fine again and went back to sleep. As far as I know - I didn't have this issue again the rest of the night. Woke up feeling relatively ok.

But i feel tired all day. My legs don't feel like moving. Everything feels like a choir.

I'm uninsured on top of this; so whenever I get something wrong with me - I assume I'm going to die in my sleep since I'm not getting it checked out. I suffered very similar symptoms 2 years ago; but they went away after a month or so (those symptoms were worse though as I felt dizzy and couldn't think straight as well). I really don't want to go through another month of thinking I'm going to die in my sleep.

22-07-15, 00:05
It sounds like pulmonary hypertension caused by right sided heart failure...you may also notice your jugular vein on the right side is distended or prominent.
This us often caused by an aortic aneurysm which has few symptoms but is 90%fatal if it disects!!
It won't show on an ecg until it causes left sided heart failure over time and it's only going to get worse...sadly not many if any medical tests can show it that well except extremely well trained cardiologists who can perform a physical examination of your veinous system!!

Sorry if you just feel worse when you read that?

Note that the above is what Google will tell you or scare you...believe me when I say I've had the exact same symptoms and I'm still here.
Most likely you have a slightly herniated disk or pulled muscle in the lower part of your neck. Any misalignment of the vertebrae will cause all manner of messed up symptoms.
Palpitations caused by stimulation of the vagus nerve, dizziness, pressure in the head and ears, obviously neck pain, fatigue, transferred pain even down to the feet.

Do not Google any more...see a physician and get some simple but definitive tests done.

Did I mention...pulmonary hypertension occurs on around 15 people per million!
Aortic aneurysm is practically unheard of in anyone under the age of 40...even with tissue disorders like marfans or erlehs danlos syndrome.

Your chances of having either are 0.0001%
Sorry if the original part scared you but I hope you realise how much of your symptoms are panic related and not from a malignant physical disorder.
The correction of muscles in the neck is simple and not a medical emergency.

Best wishes
