View Full Version : got AA battery acid on my skin, scared I ingested it?

21-07-15, 16:22
So the batteries on the remote control weren't working and I noticed the front of the remote was covered in this clear gunky oily stuff. Couldn't work out where it came from, it was unlike anything I've seen before. Stupidly I sniffed it to see what it was and it smelled aftershave-y, kind of like hair gel or something.

So I wiped it down and opened up the back and this stuff was oozing out of the batteries...I realized it was battery acid and very quickly washed my hands...I sat in the shower for about 20 minutes rinsing it off but could still feel a slight oily sensation. It went all over my fingers. There's no burnt skin or anything, it's gone a bit itchy and red and stings a teeny bit, but that's all.

Anyway I'm trying to avoid touching my face or food and I'm being careful, keep washing my hands etc. But I had a few small nicks/cuts on my hands and I'm worried the acid could have got in there. I'm also worried that there might still be traces of it on my hands. I drank lots of water just in case any got down (unlikely I guess, maybe the tiniest trace) but yeah...my brother got some on his hands too. He isn't too concerned but I always panic.
Do you think I'll be okay? It was a KODAK AA battery, called XTRA or MAX or something, and I won't be using this brand again, because I've never had a battery burst before. That said, surely this stuff happens to people all the time? :weep: I keep thinking it's going to burn my esophagus or something, and I don't want to call NHS24 because I know no matter what, they'll send me down to A&E and I don't have any means of getting there or back. I'm skint and the hospital is miles away.

I was googling and I've seen stories of little kids swallowing whole batteries, then dying as a result of the battery getting stuck in their esophagus, and leaking. There are even some survivors. It said around 3000 kids attend the ER each year for swallowing batteries. But no literature on people who accidentally ingest a teeny bit and then die...

21-07-15, 16:31
Surely this stuff happens to people all the time? :weep:

Surely it does! And don't call me Shirley! :)

Positive thoughts

21-07-15, 17:49
The worst thing to happen would you get an acid burn on your skin. sounds like you have a very very mild one if its a bit stingy and red. Other than that unless you smeared the stuff over your food you are perfectly okay.

21-07-15, 19:55
You will be fine, my husband got acid from a corroded battery in his eye and he just rinsed his eye out , he didn't panic at all . If that had been me i would be just like you are now , but im sure you will be fine x