View Full Version : You get rid of one symptom then here comes another

natalie yog
21-07-15, 17:13
As I've said in my other posts I've been to the optician last Friday and got the all clear from him and that slightly put my tumour fears to rest.
My problem is I was finally feeling relaxed until I went to bed that night and when I was closing my eyes they felt like they were moving under my eyelids and when I opened my eyes it looked to me that things were moving. Plus anytime I close my eyes it felt like my body was floating on the bed and this happened all weekend.
Fast forward to today I feel like anytime I try to focus on anything my eyes want to move and if I do focus on anything object if looks to me like the object is shaking. Surely the optician would've noticed this and it's just in my head because I'm focusing too much on it. My mum thinks that I'm spending too much time on my phone (It's my main use for the internet and I am on a quite a few hours a day).
I really do want to believe the optician who actually listened to me more than my doctor ever did and just put this down to my anxiety/depression because in the end I'm going to drive myself crazy again chasing one symptoms after the other and then one illness after the other.

21-07-15, 17:43
You have answered yourself:) If you spend hours a day staring at a small screen or any screen you don't blink much and this puts huge stress on the eyes and you don't move your eyes either so the eye muscles get very tired and this causes all sorts of totally harmless eye symptoms as you are finding out!

An optician will see everythign there is to see in an eye exam and they are very thorough. Just because you have symptoms does not mean they are being caused by anything of concern at all.

Try really limiting your screen time for a week ( yes I know this will kill you!) and see if your eye symptoms improve. Or don't spend more than half an hour without a half hour break instead and see what happens.

21-07-15, 18:09
I KNOW THAT FEELING LOL, It sounds like a eye twitch sorta thing sometimes your eye lids and stuff can twitch for a bit by thereself, dont worry