View Full Version : Symptoms build up, brain tumour

21-07-15, 20:10
Dear All,

I finally got the courage to sign up for this forum. I am 24 years old and have been worrying about my health for as long as I can remember. It started off small, but most recently I have become convinced I have a brain tumour. My symptoms and worries started around 2 years ago, even though some of them I have realised date back to when I was a kid.

Over two years ago I developed dry eyes and got prescribed drops for that. I need to note that my vision has now been checked on numerous times and pronounced perfect. However, over a year ago, floaters followed. After the floaters, I started seeing small specks of light and sometimes even a flash of light, but have many times been cleared off retinal detachment. As I was sitting in class one day and saw these little specks, I panicked and ran to check my eyes and discovered one of my pupils is bigger than the other. I didn't know how scary this is back then and later forgot about it. I have now established that my pupils are of uneven size in certain lightning conditions, but my doctors seem to think they are reactive to light, as they haven't acknowledged it as a problem, even though I point them to it. Another thing that I have noticed is that it seems that from looking at photos, one of my eyelids (on the side of the bigger pupil, right) is slightly bigger (my face is somewhat assymetrical) and on certain mornings, I have noticed I wake up with swollen eyelids, this one being even bigger than the other. Finally, even though without fully realising it, since a child I have noticed that sometimes when I walk past objects on my left or right, but mostly left, and 'half-focus' on them, they appear as if their outer boundary gets projects slightly (not pure double image), if I just continued looking straight or turn fully to focus on them, I do not notice it. I also sometimes see ghosts of images as I look away, but so far attributed this to extensive computer use.

In addition to this, I used to get headaches after being on the computer for too long, but now they have been replaced. Around 5 months ago, as I was working at my new internship (after having moved to a new city with the bf for the first time, sounds exciting, but I felt quite stressed) when I had something that people described to me as a migraine. I got a speck of light/form that wouldn't go away, got blind spots in my vision, got very disorientated and worried, it increased to seeing spinning jaggedy forms like the blades of a fan around my vision and eventually subsided, being followed by a headache. This has not repeated identically since then. Another thing that I started noticing maybe around a year ago or slightly less would be that when I would be on the computer, I would just get a brief wave of vertigo, something like a split-second spinning feeling that goes away. This used to occur maybe once a month, but has now too changed. Around two weeks ago I was lying in bed, twisted my head and eyes and got a very bad vertigo feeling, which was not long, but strong. Throughout that night, I would get smaller ones as I move, but nothing as bad. On the morning, I still woke up with it, but during the day, it had subsided. The vertigo returned two days ago and I am still experiencing it. It happens mostly when lying down and changing position, but sometimes I feel like I can almost trigger it or forget about it by unfocusing and relaxing my eyes (trigger) or by getting occupied with something else (forget) (I am worried pretty much 24/7 to the point I am unable to do much daily activities - am jobless atm). I also get sinus-type headaches around my nose and eyes.

In terms of headaches, I experienced over a year ago a type of out-of-nowhere pain on the left side of my head, on the back, almost where the spine connects to the skill, then never experienced it until a few weeks ago when I would get them almost every day for a week or so, but they would come once during the day and quickly go away (once, I noticed that I was able to stop its onset by relaxing my neck and shoulders).

I have sculiosis and pretty much constantly-inflamed lymph nodes on the right side of the neck which have been there since I was a kid, but started hurting and pulling on more than two years ago after I went out with wet hair in extremely windy and cold weather. Since then, they are quite uncomfortable almost all winter, but barely noticeable in the summmer. I also have like a constant bump that my doctors have felt in the right side of my neck mid-way to the shoulder which kind of just sits there and get better or worse with illnesses or cold weather.

I am pretty sure I can throw in a few other things in there too, but realise this post is already getting ridiculous. Please, any input will be appreciated! :unsure:

Edit: In terms of balance, mine is pretty poor, motion/car/plane sickness and even wavy/swimming feeling when I would lie down for a nap after swimming in the sea as a kid.

Furthermore, recently one of my ears sometimes feel stuffed and used to feel wet in the winter, the joint next to it also cracks sometimes/most of the time when I move it. It has happened for both ears to also ring or to experience a short stabbing pain from time to time over the past 1-2 years.

Furthermore, I have a terrible posture due to my sculiosis.

22-07-15, 11:34
I've had similar visual disturbances. I'm getting tiny little sparks of light on and off. I think I've always had floaters but I seem to notice them more now. I've also had really sore dry eyes lately. I've been to two different optician companies for tests and they have both said there is no cause for concern but I'm still concerned. Have you spoken to your doctor about your eyes?

22-07-15, 13:18
Hey, thank you so much for the reply!

I did mention this to my GP, however, he didn't address it, as he thought the opticians would be better placed to evaluate my eyes. What I fear is not that my eyes are not okay, but that it is my brain causing the specks. However, I think I mainly see the specks when I am stressed, though it is difficult to tell, since I am always stressed.

22-07-15, 17:53
I've been worrying all day that I've got brain tumour and have had it all along. I googled (:doh:) and some of the symptoms are visual disturbances and feeling off balance. I don't have headaches though.

22-07-15, 18:05
Do you actually feel off balance? In your first post you only mention the visual disturbances. With the headaches, I find they don't just come by themselves (at least so far), I have to be stressed or tired to get them and haven't had a proper headache in a while either.

22-07-15, 20:01
am 24 and ive had this for months slowly getting better and its a pain in the arse but so many people get ct scan or mri and all is fine, anxiety is a horrible very physical feeling mental illness

22-07-15, 20:51
I am really glad you are getting better! :)

22-07-15, 21:59
Do you actually feel off balance? In your first post you only mention the visual disturbances. With the headaches, I find they don't just come by themselves (at least so far), I have to be stressed or tired to get them and haven't had a proper headache in a while either.

Yes I've been off balance from the start since November. It sometimes gets better and other times it seems worse. The visual disturbances have only really started about a month ago.

22-07-15, 22:09
are you like speaking on my behalf here haha mine started in november aswell !

23-07-15, 18:32
Have you seen an ENT specialist?

25-07-15, 12:13
I haven't been to ENT yet, just GP.

Thought to ask how everybody is feeling :)

25-07-15, 17:05
I would go to an ophthalmologist. I've been having some of these same symptoms and terrified (yah... history of anxiety doesn't help...). I used to get the little sparkles of light every now and then... kind of brushed it off thinking that maybe I just bent over or something and cut off blood supply to my eyes for a bit or something. Well then one night I got this little red flash of light and then a blind spot. Went to ophthalmologist a few times and they just conclude it was a complicated migraine with aura that just never went away. However if I continue to have problems then I see an ocular neurologist. Since your symptoms involve your eyes it seems like an eye doctor or neurologist would have more insight.

BTW I'm with you on the being fearful about it being a brain tumor thing. But then... anxiety... it sucks. I try to just tell myself that whatever is going on, I need to focus on the present and be positive.

25-07-15, 22:14
Thank you so much for the kind words :hugs:

Hope everything resolves and no more problems for you!

28-07-15, 23:33
I would go to an ophthalmologist. I've been having some of these same symptoms and terrified (yah... history of anxiety doesn't help...). I used to get the little sparkles of light every now and then... kind of brushed it off thinking that maybe I just bent over or something and cut off blood supply to my eyes for a bit or something. Well then one night I got this little red flash of light and then a blind spot. Went to ophthalmologist a few times and they just conclude it was a complicated migraine with aura that just never went away. However if I continue to have problems then I see an ocular neurologist. Since your symptoms involve your eyes it seems like an eye doctor or neurologist would have more insight.

BTW I'm with you on the being fearful about it being a brain tumor thing. But then... anxiety... it sucks. I try to just tell myself that whatever is going on, I need to focus on the present and be positive.

Are you still having problems?

07-08-15, 23:06
Hello everybody!

Thought to let you know that I had an MRI today and it came out normal. This is great news and I will now focus on relaxing, appreciating life and trying to deal with my anxiety.
