View Full Version : Leukimia/Lymphoma

21-07-15, 20:40
Bah once again back :( So I had a double chest ct and ruled I did not have lung issues, had a radioactive dye to rule out bone cancer last year and last a abdomen scan for bowel issues. I was doing great.

Suddenly I had genital warts and penile pains when I pee but no sign of infection. I have 2 big nodes that are hard but move and 4 more nodes down there 2 on each side that move and are small. Also have 1 in each arm pit and 2 on each side of my neck ( all been there for 5 months then the groin 4 came out of nowhere after intercourse 2 months before. Also have had a white tongue and sore throat for 2 months throat calming down no antibiotics worked. Also some oral sores canker/had a bump dentist says im ok . Also get sharp headaches daily stomach and side pains that have went away but head still sore. Dr sending me for pelvic abdominal ultrasound. He doesnt want to do a biopsy he says the rest of my blood count is fine so no need. Is he right or am I dealing with a iffy dr.? Anyone on here ever had any of these 2 cancers or hiv and went threw these symptoms? (more afraid of cancer than the other)

I am itchy at times in random body spots, my bones hurt in some locations, feel weaker i think. My platelets are a little low and dropped 2 more points (122) on another cbc. I am worried this is cancer, hiv is treatable but lymphoma and leukaemia at 28 I am worried will take me Also lost fat or something in my hands arms but weight the same, on 5000 iu vitamin d and multivitamins.

My hiv testing has come out neg I have another one the 4th month (august) was on Truvada to try to prevent exposure infection. My wife is showing no symptoms either.

I have a bad brain injury sorry for my grammar

22-07-15, 15:07
has anyone ever had Leukimia/Lymphoma
Anyone know any survivors?

23-07-15, 03:56
Please someone help me out I just want to know if I will die if it is this cancer, i am so young and in pain, all the tests ruled out every other cancer. Could I have caused this cancer from all the tests or could I of had it for awhile and that is what led to the tests

24-07-15, 23:07
Hey dude, so have you had a blood test for you "leukaemia" scare? I honestly think you're fine and overreacting. As a hypochondriac myself I know how easy it is to get worked up over small changes that happen to our body. It's very unlikely that you have either of these cancers, trust me. And since you are getting responses like "you're fine" from doctors and negative tests then that just proves my point that you are overreacting. Take deep breaths and think positive.

---------- Post added at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was at 23:04 ----------

Btw TRUST your doctor it is extremely rare for them to misdiagnose you and end up being seriously ill. Don't google either (which I'm guessing you are) because that feeds the anxiety.

26-07-15, 04:37
My cbc went back up a few points, if it was that cancer issue would the platelets of came up or kept going down, I appreciate the response thank you

27-07-15, 03:05
for these 2 cancers would blood tests show if I had it? Hospital says my counts do not show signs of blood cancer and says it is in my head. Should I trust or not. How accurate are blood tests at diagnosing leukimia or lymphoma

27-07-15, 07:55
No, the tests themselves would not have caused these cancers.

Yes, a FBC would show clear signs of leukemia and lymphoma. Especially if they were advanced enough to be causing you the symptoms and discomfort you describe. Leukemia particularly is a cancer of the white blood cells and so this would be pretty obvious in a FBC. Neither of these cancers are likely to cause just minor fluctuations in your counts.

In lymphoma, you would also be looking at significant unexplained weight loss in most cases.... not just a perceived reduction of fat in your hands/arms - actual overall weight loss.

You should trust your Dr in this. The doubt you have about the test results - along with many of your symptoms - are highly likely to be your anxiety trying to convince you there is something wrong and to chase this diagnosis, when in fact there is nothing wrong.