View Full Version : still worried about ovarian cancer

21-07-15, 20:47
I posted on this before it started last year in april i had back pain,leg pain,pelvic pain,bloatin. I was scared i had it then so i went ot dr got a stomach and pelvic ultrasoun which was clear. It went away after that. This February i who always got my period on time, didn't get my period entire month. It ended coming first week of March, i also started gettng stomachaches after eating. In April i had a late period and i was having same problems as last April i went to dr he said he doubts it's cancer and he thought it was acid reflux related. In May it went away sorta i think my period was normal and in June it was on time i thought thing were back to normal. Now this month period is really late,i have back pain,left pain,i'm sweating though it is really hot, i'm constipated,bloated,pelvic pain. I have been losing weight and dieting and i have been stressed but the missed periods started before this. I'm petrified that i have ovarian cancer i don't understand why my period isn't coming why it's been late this past few months. I feel like my period is coming but still nothing and i don't want to back to dr or to the gyn i just want to know this is not ovarian cancer anyone that could help i'm so scared

21-07-15, 21:11
sounds more like polystic oravies like my mrs has:yesyes:

21-07-15, 21:51
Really even though for years i had periods on time? I thought people with pcos never had regular periods

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

I don't want that either:weep: neither is good. I'm trying hard to lose weight and pcos prevents that also then i can't have kids i'm so worried

21-07-15, 22:02
well my mrs used to have regular periods and then around 4 years ago she got polysic ovaries , it might be nothing might be that but dont worry im sure its not cancer cyst and stuff can also play around alot with ur ovaries and pains etc

21-07-15, 22:29
thank you,i'm hoping period comes soon

21-07-15, 23:04
I'm sure it will lol, then ur look forward to it going again lol, just relax and don't worry bet if u stop worrying about it the period will come lol

21-07-15, 23:20
When I lost weight my periods stopped for 2 months back in my late 2's. I had lost about 2 stones intentionally but the effect of this was to disrupt my hormones totally hence no period one month and then only a bit the second which totally freaked me out. Then they returned to normal.

So howmuch weight have you lost as this could be having an effect. PCOS is another thought as said and can be confirmed with an ultrasound.

Last but not least stress and anxiety can cause havoc with your hormones.

21-07-15, 23:32
It could be a number of benign things, or it could be nothing. You might be having cysts also, they form every month with your period and at times stick around a few cycles and can be painful and cause symptoms similar to OC. One thing it does NOT sound like is cancer. Cancer does not come and go. Once it gets to the point where it's causing symptoms, you keep having them. They don't go away and come back. You said you just want to know it's not cancer, but you don't want to go to the Dr. I understand completely being terrified of doctors, but you know that makes no sense. No one here can diagnose you. Hormones do a lot of weird things and no woman has perfectly timed periods her whole life. I went through the same thing in early 40s. I was terrified, but I had to break down and see my doctor. Diagnosis- cysts. Went away on their own. Best of luck to you!

03-10-16, 18:30
I posted on this before it started last year in april i had back pain,leg pain,pelvic pain,bloatin. I was scared i had it then so i went ot dr got a stomach and pelvic ultrasoun which was clear. It went away after that. This February i who always got my period on time, didn't get my period entire month. It ended coming first week of March, i also started gettng stomachaches after eating. In April i had a late period and i was having same problems as last April i went to dr he said he doubts it's cancer and he thought it was acid reflux related. In May it went away sorta i think my period was normal and in June it was on time i thought thing were back to normal. Now this month period is really late,i have back pain,left pain,i'm sweating though it is really hot, i'm constipated,bloated,pelvic pain. I have been losing weight and dieting and i have been stressed but the missed periods started before this. I'm petrified that i have ovarian cancer i don't understand why my period isn't coming why it's been late this past few months. I feel like my period is coming but still nothing and i don't want to back to dr or to the gyn i just want to know this is not ovarian cancer anyone that could help i'm so scared

Hi I know your post of from last year but I was just wondering what your outcome was?

I am going through something similar,all I think about is OC.I am terrified of leaving my 3 children x