View Full Version : Can't take this stupidity anymore

21-07-15, 23:16
My health anxiety has been soooo bad recently so I apologise for the frequent posting. I'm now worrying about a this bone lump that's behind my uvela at the top of my throat wall. I mentioned this to my doc once and he checked and said I was fine, but part of me thought he didn't see the bump. I went to another doctor and she said without looking that it was completely normal and that in all her 40 years of work she had never seen anyone around my age with head/neck cancer. I eventually asked my mum and she checked on herself and said she felt a hard lump at the back of her throat behind her uvela too and she said not to worry about it. I'm still anxious as Google gave me a ton of cancer results and not many other reasons. Anyone else have this? It's literally at the top of the throat wall behind the uvela. Also am I right to leave it be? I'm a massive hypochondriac and have been to the doctor countless times about so many things. I'm getting so frustrated and I'm worried this is how the rest of my life will be...

21-07-15, 23:41
One question: Was that bump on your boys anything serious? The answer to that question is the answer to this one.

Positive thoughts

21-07-15, 23:52
Hey thanks for replying again :) and no it was nothing the doc said it was just a vein or the epididymis. It was embarrassing but it was worth it as I am no longer worrying about that specific thing.

22-07-15, 00:11
Now you aee worrying about another benign unimportant thing...and when you figure out finally that your fear is irrational and that it is nothing, new symptom will arise etc.

Try to stop seeking reassurance, accept doctor diagnosis and accept your feelings of anxiety...eventually they will diminish.

22-07-15, 08:52
Okay thanks for the advice, i will try my best.