View Full Version : Scared

22-07-15, 10:00
Today seems like it is going to be one of my bad days. I'm feeling terrified.
When I got out of bed this morning my legs felt wobbly.
I've been suffering various different symptoms and sensations since November. I have had blood tests which have come back normal and a few ECGs which have shown no problems except for quite high heart rate.
I've been having some visual disturbances recently which I have been worrying about. Been to two different optician companies who have found no cause for concern.
My family keep telling me I am just experiencing these things from anxiety and worry and I would know if I was really ill.
Should I ask for more tests? I think about going to hospital sometimes but I don't know whether I should. I feel like I should be seeing a neurologist.
I don't know what to do!

22-07-15, 10:31
Anxiety does play horrible symptoms on you, If you really need resurance to know your ok then go to the hospital and say what u are feeling etc, but im sure your find its ok and then anxiety is what you need sorting i myself panic and worry so much about different things but in reality i know deep down i am ok and its just anxiety but its hard to believe it when ur in that frame of mind can get reasurance from a number of doctors etc, but then somethin else will come along should go to the doctors and ask for cbt to help u chanel ur mind

22-07-15, 11:39
I'm waiting for my first CBT appointment but it won't be for a few weeks.
I feel like I can't go to hospital/A&E as it is not really an emergency.