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View Full Version : Yet another post :( gastritis/ulcer/oesophagitis?

22-07-15, 10:39
I posted earlier about symptoms which I thought was severe Gerd but the more I think about my symptoms the more I think gastritis or a stomach ulcer or oesophagitis.

I had h pylori in early 2008 (I was 18) which was treated. I checked after the treatment to make sure it was gone. I did another h pylori test end of last year which was negative. Apart from this I've had stomach issues and ibs for the past 7 years on and off. I would self treat with things like buscopan and donnatab for stomachaches and the very occasional Zantac. Sometimes I wouldn't take anything and I'd just eat bland foods until it passed. I always fobbed it off and blamed it on nervousness and anxiety which I have.

Last 2 weeks I've had nausea, stomachaches, tender stomach, burning, gnawing hunger pains and just generally feeling really sick. I'm in a complete state thinking I should have seen a doctor years ago and done an endoscopy. I'm angry at myself. And im also terrified that my stomach is severely inflamed with erosions and ulcers. I'm thinking all this time I've had gastritis and didn't seek help, just kinda thought nothing of it. Now I'm feeling unwell.

I would appreciate any reassurance. Anyone suffered with vague symptoms for years and then sought help? I'm going to see a gastroenterologist next week but I'm terrified of him doing an endoscopy and seeing my stomach is very bad shape :( I'm just petrified the damage is done or that I've got stomach cancer.

22-07-15, 11:07
right stop a minute, think ur only young, the chances of having stomach cancer is so so so rare, like sooooooooooooo rare not just a little bit, Please dont worry the more worried u get the worse ur stomach will be i know when i get anxious it makes my stomach feel like a washin machine lol , So try take a step back and think of the positives, even ibs makes ur stomach have cramps and sicky feeling etc, so it could be to do with your diet also, but dont worry

22-07-15, 12:42
Thanks for the quick response. Yes I'm 25. I'v literally gone from one disease to the next ever since my symptoms got bad. Now it's stomach cancer or zollinger Ellison syndrome. I've started to relax about stomach cancer though and like you said it is rare. But I mistakenly looked up the latter and scared myself which was then followed by a panic attack :( Lucky I have this forum to turn to when things get too much.