View Full Version : Quick Question About Lymph Nodes

22-07-15, 11:49

So a couple of days ago I was scratching my neck and noticed that I had a small movable lump. I wasn't really worried about it so I got on with my day, the next day I decided to check the area again and found a couple more in the same area in the neck on the left and side.

They are not large and are movable, I just wanted to ask if it is normal to be able to feel your lymph nodes in your neck? I am rather slim so I think that may play a part in it.

22-07-15, 12:33
yes i am fairly large and i can still feel them its completly normal dont worry

---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 ----------

just dont bother feeling them or they can get larger

22-07-15, 12:37
Thanks for the reply, I'm glad it's normal to feel them I can stop worrying about them and touching them as the area is a little sore I guess its from rubbing the area and focusing on it so much. Thanks again.

22-07-15, 12:41
jsut make sure u dont touch them or can make them larger and inflammed then it will send of ur anxiety and worry its completly fine to feel them

22-07-15, 12:44
I will try my best, thanks for the advice I really appreciate it calmed me down.

22-07-15, 13:15
Totally normal. I can feel them in my neck, and other places on my body too. But yeah as said above, try not to play with them otherwise you can irritate them!

22-07-15, 18:48
Thanks for keeping my mind car guys, I have another thing to add. Is it normal if you have messed with the area (I was doing this when I first noticed them on Saturday and continued doing it till yesterday) for it to hurt? I have been having pains in the part of my neck where I was messing around.

Thanks again.

22-07-15, 19:54
YES !!!! they inflame and get sore if u touch them, NOW STOP TOUCHING THEM !!!

22-07-15, 19:55
Thanks for keeping my mind car guys, I have another thing to add. Is it normal if you have messed with the area (I was doing this when I first noticed them on Saturday and continued doing it till yesterday) for it to hurt? I have been having pains in the part of my neck where I was messing around.

Thanks again.

Again, totally normal, I've done this before. Set yourself a challenge of not touching them, even if they hurt, and before you know it, you'll forget about it completely :)

22-07-15, 20:03
I'm going to try not to mess again, at the moment my neck is hurting probably from messing with the area so much and digging around as it didn't hurt before this. KayeS hopefully you are right and I can forget about it soon.

22-07-15, 21:42
Trust me I've done exactly the same thing before. Caused them to hurt from pressing and prodding, and then worrying because they were hurting, even though I was the one that caused it lol.

Give it time, if you've irritated them, they need a bit of time to return to a non-irritated state, but that also requires you to not touch em!

23-07-15, 14:09
My entire neck and face feels numb from how much I have been touching my neck over the past few weeks. My node I am worried about hasn't changed size, but all the tendons on the left side feel really swollen, I hope it's due to all the touching.

I also can't stop pressing on my collar bone and have found a node about the size of a pea there as well, it may have always been there but I don't know. I'm trying so hard everday not to touch any of them and can't help it :(

23-07-15, 18:07
My entire neck and face feels numb from how much I have been touching my neck over the past few weeks. My node I am worried about hasn't changed size, but all the tendons on the left side feel really swollen, I hope it's due to all the touching.

I also can't stop pressing on my collar bone and have found a node about the size of a pea there as well, it may have always been there but I don't know. I'm trying so hard everday not to touch any of them and can't help it :(

bhafc22 I guess I'm not the one to give the advice as I myself am in the same position as you are. Unlike you I don't have one by my Collar Bone but I do have one under my Jaw. I noticed it 3 weeks ago now and did just what you did messed and hurt myself. I couldn't stop doing this, but on Saturday I noticed the others in my neck this made me forget about the one under my Jaw and I believe that it got smaller until I messed with it again. So the advice given by the people who have posted in this thread is good we need to stop messing with them. My Doctor checked the area where mine is and said he couldn't feel anything to worry about and it hasn't got any larger since then.

I have been messing with mine under my Jaw for nearly 3 weeks so it never went down, I stopped messing for 4 days and it felt smaller until I messed with it again. Messing doesn't help it just help keep the thoughts in our mind. Leave it for a week or so and then see if it gets smaller, it's all we can do if we mess it will never get any better. It's what I am planning on doing from now till next Thursday as I am in a cycle at them moment and need to break it or HA will always win.

Be strong and do what you know you need to do.