View Full Version : Went to neurologist

22-07-15, 14:02
Well I decided after having these symptoms since April to woman up and go to a neurologist and discuss my concerns… I have not twitching many times in the past over the course of the last 10 years but whenever I get them in the face and makes me especially nervous… The neurologist immediately asked if I wanted to schedule and NCV and EMG… I responded no and asked her to examine me first. She did a clinical exam and told me that it was normal. She texted my reflexes which were also normal. She also told me that people with neurological disorders usually present themselves with an obvious problem (as in she can see something abnormal just by looking at the patient) and told me that I did not give her an impression that there was anything going on neurologically

I did explain I hear a history of anxiety and panic but still needed an exam for reassurance so I can continue to work on alleviating the issues. She suggested blood work and the EMG for peace of mind but I really can't do that to myself. The anticipation of taking the tests plus waiting for results will make me insane.

Do you all think I can stop here with my obsession regarding ALS and MS? And then focus on relaxation, etc ? Do you all think that twitching can definitely be caused by built up anxiety and stress?

Also - is numbness with MS true numbness? Or the feeling of numbness ? She "tickled" me and "pricked Me" during the exam and I felt everything ... If I were numb I wouldn't feel it right?

(Symptoms I've had: facial twitching and random single twitch, buzzing feeling in face; body wide twitches; feeling of numbness in face but when I touch my face, I can feel the touch; vibrating feeling). No other symptoms

---------- Post added at 09:02 ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 ----------

Typo "I have had twitching over the course of the past 10 years" delete "not"

22-07-15, 14:28
without a doubt i think you dont need the test, i think its anxiety based, Did u even hear about als before the whole ice bucket challenge thing? I think you definately need to relax and help yourself that way

22-07-15, 14:28
Went through a similar thing as you, and I know it's hard to believe, but trust me, all of these things can be caused by anxiety. I've had them all. I think if you can devote your energy to relaxation and overcoming your anxiety, you're going to be fine :)

Obviously having tests and getting the all clear will go a long way to helping that HOWEVER like you said, the wait for the results can be torture, and was indeed like this for me and I went through hell whilst waiting for the results. Neurologists are EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELYYYY good at detecting if someone genuinely has a neurological problem, believe me. You're all good :)

22-07-15, 14:37
Thanks guys!

What I need to accept is that even though it was normal the twitches may not disappear overnight. So I have to control my reaction now to the symptoms and focus on positive thoughts.

I really just want to enjoy the rest of my summer and be happy

22-07-15, 14:52
I know how you feel. I have twitching and buzzing too. I have an appointment with my regular MD on Friday and I'm sooo nervous. I've been living in a very dark cloud for the past 3 weeks.

22-07-15, 17:08
Hi Dittarco :)

Sorry to hear you're feeling like this. I too have had similar sensations in the past and automatically jumped to the conclusion it was MS.

You might find this list really helpful: (I'm a new member, can't post it. But if you google 'comprehensive anxiety symptoms list anxiety centre' it's the first result) :D

Anytime I have a weird body sensation caused by my anxiety, I usually find it on this list. Your buzzing and numbness/tingling sensations are on there.

Anxiety is one scary, confusing condition :scared15:

Your numbness/tingling may be caused by subconsciously restricting your breathing due to your anxiety. What I normally do is focus on my breathing - take a deep breath in through your nose for the count of 7 seconds, and then breathe out through your mouth for 11 seconds. Just remember - 7/11 :) I find it really helps me!

Hope you feel better soon.

- Therese x

22-07-15, 18:01
I've been twitching and buzzing for 30 years and I do not have any neuro disease. I seem to have some face twitch most of the time and can get them anywhere on my body and rarely have more than a few days twitch free. With me its benign twitching as it is for most people. My upper lip twitched all the time for months and was just visible if people looked closely but it then suddenly went away and then my eyebrow started instead:)

You are right that true numbness means you would not feel the pin prick test. Altered sensations are again often from a benign cause. I can get a feeling of numbness in my face that makes me think my face would be all drooped in a mirror but its totally normal to look at and feel.

I think after seein the neuro that you need to accept you have twitches and buzzing ( just like me) but whatever causes it its not going to do you any harm physically.

23-07-15, 10:46
You'll have the nagging thought "but I didn't have the tests so I can't be 100 percent sure". Been there done that. You can go two ways. One, you can go and have the tests or (wo, you can tell yourself that your fears are exaggerated and deep down inside you know you don't really need the tests because it's anxiety related. I used to always go with the tests. It became ridiculous so then I went with option number two. It worked for me.

23-07-15, 17:40
I want to thank you all for your kind words. I'm going to try to battle this without the further testing. it will be hard, but I'll keep pushing myself

23-07-15, 18:50
I want to thank you all for your kind words. I'm going to try to battle this without the further testing. it will be hard, but I'll keep pushing myself

You can do it. Keep telling yourself the symptom is from anxiety chemicals.

23-07-15, 23:45
Yes, as countrygirl said you can do it. You don't want unnecessary tests and they probably won't give you the reassurance you want anyway.

24-07-15, 10:45
I'm hoping to ask my GP for a referral to a neurologist. I wish I had done it sooner as I've been feeling off balance and wobbly since November and it was put down to an ear infection but has continued so I went for an ENT referral. I hope she doesn't refuse as I really want a referral for reassurance if anything! How long does it take to get an appointment after a referral has been made?

24-07-15, 11:39
I'm hoping to ask my GP for a referral to a neurologist. I wish I had done it sooner as I've been feeling off balance and wobbly since November and it was put down to an ear infection but has continued so I went for an ENT referral. I hope she doesn't refuse as I really want a referral for reassurance if anything! How long does it take to get an appointment after a referral has been made?

It can take quite a while... But I had the same symptoms as you and they never go to the bottom of it. I still get jarring dizziness every now and then. But rest assured it can be caused by apparently nothing haha :)

24-07-15, 14:59
Ok. Thanks for your reply. The off balance wobbly sensations I get does come and go but has got worse the last few days. I don't know why it's better some days than others.