View Full Version : Breast cancer scare!! Please help I'm only 22

22-07-15, 14:06
Hi I can' t take my anxiety anymore so i deccided to post here with a hope for a peace of mind. I am 22 generaly in good health had a cbc recently and it was good. I have some lymph node problems in my collarbone area but a ent doctor couldn't feel the lump and said it was all ok. I have some lower back pain but i have a 22 month old son and i hope it's because i carry him around. I have found a lump in my breast a couple of months ago, my left breast is lumpy and i wouldn't panic if my lump wasn't hard, flat, fixed, irregular shaped. The first time around I was keeping an eye on the lump because i'm scared of doctors and i thought it went away. I went on vacation and a couple of days ago i felt it again and now i am not sure if it went away in the first place. I would like to note that i hade problems breastfeeding on that breast and a case of mastitis 20 months ago. Also my son sometimes kicks me with his legs on the breast so i guess that counts as a trauma. I am trying to calm myself down but igoogle alot and i cant find any explenation for this kind of lump other than cancer. I have no history of breast cancer in my family and i am wondering if.anyone here had a similar problem? I can't get to the doctors for three more weeks because i am on vacation and i am losing itFt