View Full Version : Woke up face pressure and head pains

22-07-15, 14:30
Hey everyone been awhile scine ive posted but it how anxiety can go mine goes on most the time sometimes it bugs me abit others it gets bad.....

Before went to bed last night i got odd sharp pain at top of my head ... i woke up this morning feeling horrible and odd, my face had pressure my head had pressure, but took some iburofen and its calmed alittle i feel fatigued, but headache is dull pains and get worst if am being active, everything was too bright and felt like it was flickering when i went out am now home and just feel run down and the dull ache remains and being me am thinking brain tumour its annoying and i know it properly be a migraine but what sort any tips to help me smooth the pain etc

thanks for replys! :)

24-07-15, 02:50
no brain tumor i get he same thing crazy out of no where headaches and numbness feel like the side of my head feel asleep
you will be amazed how anxiety itself can manifest itself into a psychical "life threatening " disorder when 99% of the time its not