View Full Version : Feeling strange

22-07-15, 15:41

Recently I have been getting more feelings of being not right.
I have been suffering anxiety for many years but seem to be going through a bad patch at the moment and am constantly worrying about something or another.

However I have been getting strange feelings where I feel disorientated/lightheaded, I had a particular bad episode at the supermarket today and thought I was going to collapse which immediately put me into panic mode.

It has eased a little now but feel a bit head achy. I feel like my sinuses are blocked and I feel a little off balance, all of this puts me into a panic.
My main concern is that it is something to do with my brain.

I am due to start a new job soon and I am getting scared about feeling bad and not being able to stick with it.
I also have a phobia of doctors so am not one to run to the doctor and prefer to wait until it passes.
All these feelings are coming from my head, the rest of my body feels fine.

Could this be from anxiety or does anybody think its a physical issue?
It isn't there all the time but when it does happen I feel awful.


22-07-15, 15:52

Recently I have been getting more feelings of being not right.
I have been suffering anxiety for many years but seem to be going through a bad patch at the moment and am constantly worrying about something or another.

However I have been getting strange feelings where I feel disorientated/lightheaded, I had a particular bad episode at the supermarket today and thought I was going to collapse which immediately put me into panic mode.

It has eased a little now but feel a bit head achy. I feel like my sinuses are blocked and I feel a little off balance, all of this puts me into a panic.
My main concern is that it is something to do with my brain.

I am due to start a new job soon and I am getting scared about feeling bad and not being able to stick with it.
I also have a phobia of doctors so am not one to run to the doctor and prefer to wait until it passes.
All these feelings are coming from my head, the rest of my body feels fine.

Could this be from anxiety or does anybody think its a physical issue?
It isn't there all the time but when it does happen I feel awful.


I think you answered your own question.

Positive thoughts

22-07-15, 16:35
Thank you for reply,

I think you are right, I just need to try and stop this worry/anxiety which is the hardest thing, and then hopefully the symptoms will ease.

Helen x

22-07-15, 21:13
I could have written that post myself Helen.I am just the same..I have times when im perfectly ok but when those lightheaded /dizzy feelings start I go in a spiral,lowers my mood and makes me tense which doesn't help of course...