View Full Version : recovery! Anyone had any success?

22-07-15, 16:33
Hi there!

I am desperately trying to beat my health anxiety. I've read a book called At last a life. The book is very good but it is not specifically based around health anxiety. The main principle of it is that you let any negative thoughts be there, you don't react to them you just let them be. I've found this really heard because as soon as a health worry kicks in I want to react and check my body or google the symptom . Trying to stop this is very hard.
All was going and well and I was seeing slow progress ( I used to fear anaphylaxis and not eat but I eat a lot more foods now) but ive currently hit a big brick wall. I'm feeling strong physical symptoms like headache and stiff neck and I'm convinced it's a brain aneurysm and I'm going to drop down dead. I'm so tired of this anxiety.. Of making progress and then feeling like I'm back to the beginning again .
I was wondering if anyone had any top tips or could give me a bit of a boost I'm the right direction.

Thanks guys :)

22-07-15, 16:46
Hi Emma :)

Sorry to hear you're feeling like this. I get the exact same thing! I always worry about just dropping down dead too.

I don't know what your attitude towards anti-depressants are, or if you're already on them. But I started taking them on June 1st, just 10mg/day, and I am already feeling a lot better. I feel like the constant noise and worry in my head has stopped (or at least turned the volume down). I am no longer obsessing over little things like feeling a pain in my leg, or face, or head.

Do you feel like there's anything in your life that's maybe triggering your anxiety? I find that when everything is going smoothly for me at work/home/in relationships, my anxiety tends to subside and that's when I start to notice some progress. Unfortunately, I seem to have a lot of stressors in my life at the minute that aren't going away any time soon, hence why I opted for SSRIs.

Hope you feel better soon :) Anxiety is such an awful feeling, but the best remedy is talking to people that understand you.

- Therese x

22-07-15, 16:57
Hi Therese,

Thank you so much for your reply. I love hearing from other people who have suffered and also are recovering! I'm not currently on an medication and I have never tried any either. Perhaps this is something I should bring up with my doctor. I'm seeking CBT and although this is helpful I am still struggling with pushing away these negative thoughts.

I was trying to think what could possibly have triggered this bad spell and I honestly don't know. I think it's because the symptoms I'm experiencing with my anxiety have changed and it's adapting and accepting they're just anxiety and nothing worse! I also struggle when my time of the month approaches, with my hormones going crazy it makes me really emotional and irrational which definitely doesn't help my anxiety.

What I can't stop thinking about is how much of a different person I used to be and how much I want that person back :( it feels so weird not being you anymore! But I've got to think positive, I AM making progress although it's small and I have major setbacks things have got better, although it's hard to see that when your having a bad day!

Emma x

22-07-15, 17:08
Just the fact that you bought a book and have the desire to heal is HUGE! Despite the feelings your anxiety is causing, there is clarity and determination in your words and that puts you in a good position for recovery. The real key is the desire within which obviously you have.

It's Ok to take a step back now and again. Even those that don't suffer anxiety have situations like that in their lives. It's all about the getting up and taking another step forward.

This is a very positive post and one I hope inspires others.

Positive thoughts

22-07-15, 17:16
I'm in the opposite position of you - I am waiting on CBT therapy but have never had it, but have tried the SSRIs!

I know what you mean by your time of the month. My anxiety sky rockets around this time, and I always end up getting really teary/emotional/needy. Are you on any hormonal contraceptives? I find they didn't help with my anxiety, so I switched to the copper IUD. Agnus Castus is also a good herbal remedy for PMS, my doctor was the one who recommended it to me a few years ago :) You might be able to find it in a local supplement shop!

It's great that you're already making progress. It's such a tricky thing to overcome, and because the symptoms change so much, it feels like you have to start from scratch a lot of the time. When I have a particularly bad day, I always have a nice warm bath and put a face mask on. There's a lot to be said for a bit of self pampering, it definitely helps! :)

Some day we will get there! :D

- Therese x

23-07-15, 03:16
I just read that book too and it was great. I found myself wishing it centered more on health anxiety as well. The road to recovery isn't easy but seems like you're on the right track.