View Full Version : Please help...having thoughts of harming myself right now

22-07-15, 17:02
I feel absolutely out of control today, the last week has been horrific, my partner has gone away (abroad) with his dad and family friends for a cycling holiday.

I have been contacting him non stop despite the fact I said I wouldn't bother him too much. He's been texting me back but occasionally I don't hear from him for two hours or so and I go into panic mode thinking something awful has happened to him, then my mind starts catastrophising the situation and I end up feeling I should be on a plane going out there.

He just text me back saying I shouldn't need to know where he is every two hours, he said I am getting ridiculous.
It's the first time I've ever had self harming thoughts, It's scary and I don't like it. I feel entirely out of control of the situation and I hate being apart from him. He's back on Monday.
I also feel worthless and that I must be greatly disliked by most people as when I contact my friends and family they don't seem interested or bothered with me.
I've had IBS symptoms all day long and I haven't stopped crying. I don't know what to do or who to turn to.

22-07-15, 17:25
Hi love

It is absolutely necessary that you do something to take your mind off these thoughts right now. I get like this too when I don't hear from my partner even when he's just at work! It can really affect your relationship too and you don't want that.

It is so easy to give advice, but hard to take it on board. Please don't self-harm. Find something more therapeutic to take your frustrations out on. Paint your nails, doodle a picture, fill a balloon up with flour and squeeze it until it bursts - but PLEASE don't harm yourself, because you will feel absolutely awful if you do.

Think about it this way - your boyfriend is having fun because he's on holiday, so you should be too! I get times where I feel like my friends/family can't be bothered with me when I need them, so do you know what I do? I put on my makeup, and a nice outfit and I go SHOPPING. Even if I can't afford to, I'll go window shopping. :yesyes:

If shopping isn't your thing, go for a long walk or run. Go somewhere beautiful, put your headphones on and listen to your favourite music.

Doing something physical will tire you out, and that will hopefully mean you get a better nights sleep too. :)

I hope you feel better soon. Please don't worry about your boyfriend (easier said than done), he will be fine, and I'm sure he's thinking about you as much as you're thinking about him :D

- Therese x

22-07-15, 18:20
he is starting to feel suficated by your non stop txting just leave him be. Just take a momemt and breathe distract your self not by txting him by doing something else

22-07-15, 21:12
Your bf will be fine. You just need to use this as an opportunity to practice taking your mind off him for a period of time and putting it on something else.

What do you enjoy ?
You got any TV mini series to watch, any favourite movies, books ?

Show yourself you can completely forget about him for a period of time.

He will come back more positive if he sees you managed to calm yourself down without him there won't he. I'd say that would be a positive result to aim for.

22-07-15, 22:28
Have you got anyone you can go and have a conversation with? Texting is all very well but there is nothing to beat contact with real people. If you are still having thoughts of self harm, phone the Samaritans. They have lots of experience with people in the same situation as yourself. 08457 90 90 90 Check to see if there is a local number to you.