View Full Version : Just wanted to say thank you!

22-07-15, 17:37
Hi All

I just wanted to say thank you to all who helped me out a few weeks back with regards to my numb big toe and tingly face symptoms!

I took myself off to the Dr today as it was something i just didn't want to overlook, although he was great he couldn't really tell me what was going on and instead is sending me for blood tests.

He wants to check for diabetes and cholestrol, ofcourse this has me feeling a little nervous but will try and remain calm and see what happens, im booked in for the results next friday ( seems such a long wait!)

22-07-15, 17:40
I'm sure it will be just fine. I'll say a prayer for you! *hugs*

22-07-15, 19:10
Thanks Leslie, Im trying not to let it worry me to much, but ofcourse it's niggling away in the back of my mind!

My dad has type 2 diabetes and he manages it pretty well so will just wait and see what the tests come back with :)
