View Full Version : Panic attack?

22-07-15, 20:59
Hi all.
Well. Let me start by telling you my story. I apologise in advance for me rambling.
I was driving along last week and my chest felt tight. I smoke those e-cigs and I started muttering to myself about how I'd have to cut them out if they were giving me a bad chest. Anyway, as I'm driving, I'm feeling awfully hot, and I start to sweat. I start thinking about what I have eaten and drank and maybes I have a bit lodged in my throat as I'm struggling to swallow. Then I remembered - I'd had a citrus drink about 20 minutes earlier - oh no maybe I had developed a citrus allergy? Well that was it. I really couldn't breathe now and tried to take my hoody off whilst driving to cool down - I pulled over and tried to clamber out the car to ring 999 and I felt slightly better. So, I thought I must be in the early stages of some unknown breathing illness and I'll just make my way to the nearest (30miles away) hospital. I jumped back in the car and it started again - there was a doctors surgery down the road so I drove there and asked the receptionist if I could just sit in there a while as I felt unwell. Anyway, cutting a long story short she got the doctor who took my obs, said I was fine and just having a panic attack (which I thought odd as nothing was worrying me) and I should get my OH to pick me up and make an app at my docs. Anyway, that was that. So, I was ok and everything went back to normal until 3 days later. I was on the sofa on the iPad and I felt a bit unwell. My arms and my feet had pins and needles in and felt dead, and I felt all dizzy and lightheaded, and really sick. I couldn't settle at all. I paced up and down for hours feeling worse and worse; my breathing was short and I struggled for breath too. I couldn't cope with it and took myself to the hospital (which is quite a distance away - 20 miles) where they took obs and gave me some anti-sickness tablets and sent me home. I dunno how I drove home but I did - and ended up ringing NHS 111 later that morning (4am) as I felt so ill - they sent the paramedics out who also took obs and told me I was ok and had an infection. To cut the story short again, that next night, I must have become delirious and my partner had to drive me to hospital as I was making no sense and I was rocking back and forth in the corner of the kitchen. I did come to in the hospital and I can just describe the feelings I have as being detached, burping a lot, pressure in my chest, headache, trembling and feeling clammy and feeling sick. I've had the doctor out again yesterday (mother rang them) who prescribed some propranolol and told me to ring some kind of counsellor therapy (which haven't got a space until next week). I feel lightheaded during the day but night time is the worst. Last night, my son came in and said he felt hot - I had an awful feeling of heat wash over me and I had to stay up through the night to sponge him down as he couldn't have any more calpol - my face was going into spasm and allsorts. Today I feel exhausted but not from lack of sleep (I'm used to that), more like I feel dead (only way I can describe this).All last night I struggled to breathe, and I am sick of going to the loo - you see I have it in my head that if I have a gulp of water then I CAN breathe. I also spent most of last night convinced I have DVT as I can feel things going up my legs. How can I stop feeling like this? As I type this I have an awful pain in my back and throat and I feel hot. I'm also itching all over.

23-07-15, 00:15
Hi Pepperpot. :)

Everything you have said, I had too. The main thing you have to convince yourself of, is that you are NOT going to die. It is Anxiety and they were Panic Attacks that you experienced. And what happens when you have experienced a Panic Attack is you then become fearful of having more which increases the Anxiety.

Your Mind/Body is telling you that it can take no more stress and needs time to repair. The crawly stuff up your legs is caused by the adrenalin, it is not a disease and you don't have ants buried under your skin. When you get this, you can either walk around or just let it pass over you. The latter is more difficult to do.

The drinking of water was one of my things and I still do a bit of this now. You tend to dehydrate quickly with Anxiety and water is the most safest and comforting of drinks, but their is the loo problem. Maybe you could just take little sips at nighttime?
I had terrible lower back pain that seemed to go one day then came back with a vengeance and lasted days, so bad I could hardly walk. to this day, I do not know what caused this. The stomach gurgling through the night was one of the worst. I found that gently rubbing the are in circular movements helped as it calms and helps digestion. I had terrible itching, especially over the legs, so bad, I would scratch and make them bleed. If you ignore the itching, it strangely disappears.

I hope you get some help and support on here, it is a wonderful Site and it has got me through some difficult times and you meet lovely people here. :)

23-07-15, 12:26
Thanks for the reply. Last night was a bad night. Son got up again, and I spent most of the night awake and taking attacks constantly.

24-07-15, 21:25
Right so I'm getting different symptoms. Today (and yesterday) my breathing seems odd; it's like I'm taking massive breaths and these massive breaths feel like all my breath has been used (sorry I'm not making much sense am I). Anyway if you can understand that does it seem normal?

24-07-15, 23:44
Hi Pepperpot
I have to say reading what you have written sounds just like what's been happening to me!!
Out of the blue on quite a few occasions, I have had those kind of panic attacks. The first time I was sitting, quite relaxed, on my iPad when I felt hot, it kind of swept over me, then I felt sick, my head began to ache, i felt really ill, I thought I was going to pass out, my breathing was shallow, my heart was thumping, and my chest felt tight..so I called 999, I was terrified! I had pains in my stomach and back, pins and needles in my arms and fingers, it came from no where and for no good reason!
I went to the hospital, they took my vital statistics, all fine, they took blood, all fine, they thought maybe I had an infection, so I had antibiotics fed through a drip, I had chest and stomach X-rays, I have to say the hospital staff were very thorough!! But all was ok, by now I had calmed down and they said I had had an anxiety/panic attack... It was horrible and I've had a few since then and those times I've rang my doctors begging to be seen and every time they have said its anxiety and I need to control it!! Well it's not that easy, especially when it comes on that quick for no reason!

I think your breathing yesterday and today is anxiety, I know it doesn't feel like that and if it was happening to me I would think it was abnormal, but sometimes when I'm laying in bed my breathing goes odd, not the same as you as such, but, I feel like I'm not taking enough breaths, like I'm going to long between breathing, it's hard to explain, but it's scary! I know it's my anxiety, but that doesn't make it any easier! Even as I'm writing this message my chest feels tight and my heart seems to be beating extra fast and I'm just sitting here, so what the hell?!?

I'm sorry your going through this, but I understand where your coming from and honestly your not alone, that's what's so comforting to me about this community for me, I can see how others are experiencing the same as me... So although it feels abnormal, because of our anxiety, it is infact normal, if that makes sense?

Teresa x

25-07-15, 01:40
Thanks for your reply, it means a lot. Yes it's nice to know we're all going crackers together hehe-just joking. Wow your hospital certainly covered all angles; I went into mine on my own (first time) looking like a complete mess complaining I was struggling to breathe & had numbness/pins n needles in arms & feet & chest pains & they looked at me like I was something off their shoe, took my bp, declared me perfectly well to drive home 20miles & ushered me out the door lol.
I've spent the past 3hrs lying in bed googling "normal heart rates for people on propranolol"; my doc prescribed some the other day & my HR has went from around 80-90bpm to 55-60bpm and it's making me ill. When i haven't been googling, I've been taking my BP with my phones stopwatch & panicking it's decreasing & im going to die. WTF? This is a Friday night; I just want to be sat watching crap tv with a bottle of wine, not lying in bed worrying my heart is going to fail :(

25-07-15, 02:00
That all sounds so familiar. That was me a year ago.
Anxiety can make you breath shallow, and also hyperventilate.
That's where a lot of the chest pain comes from and the tingling hands and sensations in the arms. Breathing exercises can improve this. So does Yoga.
A little tip that helped and calmed me down, was raising your arms above your head for a few seconds. I got this from a guy at 111 and he said if you can raise your arms above your head with ease then you have nothing to worry about. I sort of adopted it as my reassurance.

25-07-15, 18:23
I wish I was told this tip from them earlier this afternoon when my OH rang 111; instead they sent a paramedic who carted me off to the hospital. And, the paramedic was rather dishy too (I looked a mess hahaha). Yeah the doc just said the pins and needles were fight or flight mode (something like that) and was normal. Still, it didn't feel normal at the time, and then as soon as I come home I went into another attack which was terrifying as my son was stood with me. Horrible horrible day.

26-07-15, 01:00
Oh Pepperpot, I am sorry. :hugs:
Let's hope you have a good night's sleep, if only from sheer exhaustion.

26-07-15, 09:57
Well, I did sleep thank you. I watched Aladdin on Netflix :) There were times where I felt panic wash over me as I was nodding off, but I talked myself out of it. I feel much better today (so far). Hope things are ok with you?

26-07-15, 10:16
Hi Pepperpot and carnation :)
I find my anxiety is at its worst first thing in the morning, I'm hardly sleeping at night as it is, probably get, on a good night, 4 hours sleep and that is broken anyway! On a bad night I get 2 hours!
This has been going on for a couple of months now, but the strange thing is in the evenings I'm quite calm, I feel almost like my old self, so when I do go to bed I'm not anxious, worried or agitated at all, my mind is not racing or anything, but I still cannot fall asleep, I'm just not tired, I obviously do drift off, but constantly wake up and eventually at about 5 am I cannot get back to sleep at all!
So I then get very anxious and sometimes have a panic attack when I realise I've hardly slept again! also during the day is not good either, but as I said, come the evening I settle down...
The lack of sleep worries me constantly, if I had proper night sleep, even just 5-6 hours, I think that would help me and maybe I could cope better with the anxiety and panic which washes over me in the morning and throughout the day!
I did have sleeping tablets, they worked but made me bit groggy in the morning, but my doctor only prescribed them for 2 weeks, now he won't give me anymore!
There is nothing worse, in my opinion, then sleep deprivation especially when already suffering from depression and high anxiety!!

How do you manage with sleep? Do you have a reasonable amount, do you do anything to help you sleep?
I'm getting desperate, I want to sleep properly... :weep:

26-07-15, 13:02
Hi Pepperpot,

Just want to give you some reasurance a I was pretty much where you are about 2 weeks ago and I feel alot better now. The thing with your breathing is just anxiety, most of my anxiety is about breathing and the more your fixate the more you think your breathing is laboured and the more you panic and the more you fixate and so on and so forth. Your breathing is fine its just your brain looking for something to panic about. You will calm down eventually and a non anxious mind will help you to get over these things. Just remember it gets better, try Passion Flower for those really anxious moments. I've also started taking St Johns Wort and Inositol and have to say I think it has its benefits.

For sleep you could try guided meditation - i find these really help:


---------- Post added at 13:02 ---------- Previous post was at 13:02 ----------

Teresa59 have you tried Inositol?

26-07-15, 15:00
Hi Bekw89

No I haven't, is it herbal? To be honest I'm willing to try anything as long as I don't get side effects!

I will google it, thank you for your suggestion :)

---------- Post added at 15:00 ---------- Previous post was at 14:22 ----------

No need to google found loads of amazing info from PsychoPoet right here on the forum!
Inositol sounds pretty good, I just want the sleep really, but if it helps with anxiety too then that's a bonus... I will see if I can get some! :)

26-07-15, 22:47
Thank you for that Bek, I totally get where you're coming from. It's hard isn't it? I'm hoping I'll get to where you are soon.

Teresa, I am not a great sleeper anyway. My son isn't very good either; over the past few months he's decided to wake up scared every night & burst into my room; my sleep is either broken about 3/4 times a night or I lie awake waiting on him coming in. I'm lucky if I get 2hrs of unbroken sleep. I'm in bed as we speak but all afternoon I've had this rising panic feeling, I can only describe it as it's sort of stuck in my throat & is bubbling over there dying to burst out. (no apparent reason) and I feel like sleep is going to be mega tough tonight. My OH does shifts and he had tried allsorts of sleeping tablets but has found that Boots own make is the best, however I won't take any sleeping pills as I feel that one of us had to be "all there" for the kids if you know what I mean.

27-07-15, 06:23
Well I have had a horrid night. No sleep. Pins & needles all over - but they seem to be down one side more than the other so it's panicking me. My throat feels numb and I keep drinking water to assure me I am ok, and I keep thinking I need the loo (which I don't). I just feel ill. I have got out of bed and I'm trying to find something to take my mind off this but it's hard when you don't want to wake the house up :(

27-07-15, 10:07
Oh Pepperpot, your night sounds awful!
Sometimes it seems so much worse because it's dark, everyone else is sleeping and you feel so alone, well I do sometimes! I do know what you mean regarding taking sleeping pills, you have children, I don't so it must be doubly hard for you!
I totally know where your coming from about the lack of sleep, it makes anxiety so much worse!
I've avoided sleeping pills, I went to bed around about 12.30 am... I laid there for ages, I felt tired but couldn't sleep, eventually I dropped off for an hour, then woke, I'm not sure how much sleep I actually got, to be honest, I think I had about 4 hours on and off, which is brilliant for me! That's the most I've had in the last couple of weeks, I'm really trying to get my sleep pattern back, the good thing for me is I don't get anxiety/panic attacks at night anymore, I used to, which started the lack of sleep, but now they seem to be in the morning and sometimes during the day.
The only thing I did differently last night was I had some hot milk about an hour before bed, whether that helped I haven't a clue, maybe it had a placebo effect, going to try that again tonight, 4 hours is not great but a hell of a lot better than 1-2 .....Feel tired this morning though.. I'm just determined not to use sleeping tablets, but if I do continue with hardly any sleep, I'm going to have to see my doctor again!
I hope you have a better night tonight ....

27-07-15, 17:07
Pepperpot. Your Mind definitely sounds over anxious. It's strange because you do not have to thinking about anything in particular.
I find that you are better off doing something if you can't sleep rather than laying there or sitting there, even if it is only for ten minutes.
Don't try to force it either.
Have you tried relaxation C.D.s and let it play out. They helped me a lot in my early days. :)
Teresa59, hot milk is supposed to be ideal for sleeping. It never worked for me, but strangely enough chocolate did. :)

28-07-15, 00:22
The more I think about it the more I agree my mind is over anxious. I went to bed an hour ago but now I'm up. My stomach sounds like a drain; I dunno whether I need the loo, to be sick or I'm hungry!! This all happens when it's bedtime! On the plus side my son is asleep lol. My daughter is wide awake but I'm not worried about her; she is a good sleeper and is just lying in bed reading. I'm going to have a wander around and see what I can do to take my mind off everything that's running through it.

28-07-15, 12:16
Hope you will have good sleep from now on.

28-07-15, 20:41
Hi Pepperpot,

I'm sorry you are going through all of that. I know exactly how you feel--My panic attacks started out of the blue and have been awful to get rid of ever since...they have manifested into Health Anxiety, which only makes matters worse.
I feel the same as you- I can't breathe, get hot, feel like I need to wrap up in a ball...I have terrible aches and pains all over, and with HA- it's terrifying.
The one thing I don't have trouble with is sleeping...in fact, all I want to do is SLEEP! I'm starting to question if I have graduated to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have zero motivation, want to lie in bed by 8pm every night, and sleep all through the night. Maybe it's my body finally relaxing for a bit....yet, I still wake up tired every morning.

Anyway, I hope things start getting better for you. I am reading a good book by Claire Weeks right now that seems to be helping a little..might be good to check out on your iPad.

28-07-15, 21:35
I hope you managed to get some sleep in the end Pepperpot.

28-07-15, 23:50
Thanks Luke.
Bha123 I will check that book out. You must need a lot of sleep lol; sleep is good for you so don't worry too much about it.
Carnation I got up for a bit & went to bed a while later totally exhausted. Not ideal but hey what can you do.

Well I went for an initial assessment for counseling today. They ask loads of questions to decide whether it would be worth it. The woman reckoned I have moderate depression (I don't feel depressed) and severe general anxiety? Anyway, she recommended some 30 min face to face sessions but there's a waiting list. Sorry for the most here, but in my opinion, there should not be a waiting list for mental health issues. I mean there's people out there crying for help with other more pressing issues that could potentially send them over the edge if presented with a waiting list. Grrrrr.

In bed now, son keeps getting up and announcing he can't sleep. I just want to say "jump in bed son" for easiness as I've been up n down about 5 times already taking him back to bed, but I've got his dad on my case telling me I'm too soft. It's gonna be a long night as I can feel anxiety bubbling.

29-07-15, 01:25
30 mins? Pepperpot. That is no way long enough.
Normally it is 45 minutes or an hour.
It takes ten minutes to feel at ease or longer in some cases.

I had that problem when I contacted them. They told me up to a year!!!!
I was so desperate, like you said, that I paid privately for my Therapy.
I just looked a few up on the net and picked one with a friendly face.
It does work out expensive, but when you are desperate, you are desperate.

You are becoming a bit of a night bird Pepperpot. You will have to put in place some things you can do if you can't get to sleep. Being on here is one of them.
I hope you get off eventually and just remember that each time you feel like this, you are actually ok, it's just the Anxiety trying to scare you.

29-07-15, 13:15
I am indeed aren't I. My son is a big problem when he can't sleep as it makes me sit waiting for him to come in all night. I need to change doctors (as mine aren't helpful) then get him some help, then I'm hoping it will help me. I can't afford to pay privately Carnation - it is just not an option :(

29-07-15, 21:25
Sorry, I am treating my thread as a kind of diary now - hope that is ok lol - it heps me to write about how I am feeling.

Well it is 9.20pm - I feel like sh!t basically. I am making a button boquet whilst watching the tv and my throat feels tight, I feel sick, hot, my neck aches - I feel ill. Thing is, I have started to think that this is not panic and I am actually unwell and there is something wrong with me. I am going to the doctors tomorrow and I am going to ask him to take me some blood tests. I am not sure what for, but surely bloods will find something if there is something to be found.

The newest symptom is pins and needles in my tongue. That is panicking me.

29-07-15, 21:40
That's a good idea Pepperpot. It works for me. :)
Yes, there is a possibility that we might catch a cold, flu or a virus, as I have, but strangely enough you can sense the difference between that and Anxiety.

The pins and needles tend to be caused by the adrenalin or just sitting or laying in an awkward position. :D As for the tongue? Well, I had It in the ear, nose and eyes; why not the tongue?

Going to the Docs is a good idea and blood tests will rule out a number of worries. :)

29-07-15, 22:07
That's a good idea Pepperpot. It works for me. :)
Yes, there is a possibility that we might catch a cold, flu or a virus, as I have, but strangely enough you can sense the difference between that and Anxiety.

The pins and needles tend to be caused by the adrenalin or just sitting or laying in an awkward position. :D As for the tongue? Well, I had It in the ear, nose and eyes; why not the tongue?

Going to the Docs is a good idea and blood tests will rule out a number of worries. :)

It's the most awful feeling! Along with the throat getting tight. Now that one is just scary as!
I just went to a different doctors today to register as I feel my current one is pretty useless - however I will be going there tomorrow to demand to be seen lol.

30-07-15, 22:49
Did you go to the Doctors Pepperpot? :)

30-07-15, 22:58
Did you go to the Doctors Pepperpot? :)

Oh yeah I did. Waste of time. I had went in and told him I felt shitty basically. I said "other docs say it is panic. How do you not know it's something else? You haven't took bloods for a start". His response was along the lines of I had bloods taken in March which were fine (they were for bleeding from the back passage I think) and what do I think could be wrong with me? I was like, WTF? I said if I googled my symptoms, I would end up diagnosing myself as dying. So that's why I am here. He said that there was a fine line that he didn't want to cross and that was to start investigating cos it will make my anxiety worse. So, to cut this story short, it was a wasted trip lol.

I decided to go to see my mam today - she lives a few miles away next to the beach - I took a panic attack in the car on the way there infront of the kids which upset me. I did feel better when I went on a walk in the fresh sea air though. I had a crap sleep last night you see - I had panic bubbling up all night & Mr Pepperpot's snoring was freaking me out (usually it just annoys me) so I got up and tried to fall asleep on the sofa.

I don't feel too bad tonight yet - it's awful - it's like I am waiting for an attack. I have bad indigestion tho :(

30-07-15, 23:08
Pepperpot, I am now ashamed to say that I was the child that continually went through to my mum and said I couldn't sleep - disrupting her whole night! She then couldn't sleep due to me coming through every 10 minutes, with each hour passing becoming more teary, and my dads snoring tormenting her!

As my experience of a non-sleeping child, I'd recommend try to keep them calm and maybe chat to them until they get a bit sleepy? So you're distracting them away from the anxiety about sleeping. It was always my dad that made me fall asleep as he was much calmer than my mum and just sat with me till I nodded off. I think often it's a comfort thing!

30-07-15, 23:17
Pepperpot, I am now ashamed to say that I was the child that continually went through to my mum and said I couldn't sleep - disrupting her whole night! She then couldn't sleep due to me coming through every 10 minutes, with each hour passing becoming more teary, and my dads snoring tormenting her!

As my experience of a non-sleeping child, I'd recommend try to keep them calm and maybe chat to them until they get a bit sleepy? So you're distracting them away from the anxiety about sleeping. It was always my dad that made me fall asleep as he was much calmer than my mum and just sat with me till I nodded off. I think often it's a comfort thing!

haha - yeah it definitely is. He falls asleep no problem; it's during the night when he wakes, he just gets up and comes in. I'm a bag of nerves waiting for him to do so lol. Like I said (I think), I am more than happy for him to be in my bed if it means sleep - but the OH is NOT IMPRESSED. Hopefully his room will be back to normal next week so I can focus on getting him into a routine. x

31-07-15, 00:01
Oh Pepperpot, you are funny. :roflmao:

Mr Pepperpot is just like Mr Carnation.
He snores most of the night and it sounds like a foghorn most of the time. That and a steam engine. And then he makes it worse by turning on his side, so I get full impact. I take it for so long and then I have to nudge him and he has the cheek to say; "Was I snoring?" He fidgets as well and makes the bed bounce when he turns position and takes two thirds of the bed and most of the duvet. Apart from that it is ok. :D
It does divert my Mind from the Anxiety, but if both are going at the same time, it's hell.

I have always had trouble sleeping Kimberley for as long as I can remember.
My imagination used to runaway with me, I didn't like the dark and I couldn't have dolls in the room; incase they came to Life! Too many Horror movies I expect. :scared15:

The visit to the GP sounds a familiar one. I had to try several GP's before they took notice. I finally broke down in the surgery one day and the GP gave in and did a swarm; (The Prime Minister's terminology for a lot), of blood tests for everything. Then you have Anxiety waiting for the results. But, I was pleased I had done this.
It is unfortunately a reoccurring pattern with Anxiety sufferers and GPs.
Why not leave it few days and try again with another GP and if they question you, you have at least the right to know if your blood pressure and cholesterol is ok.

You mention you are not far from the sea. Which County are you in Pepperpot? :)

31-07-15, 10:06
Oh Pepperpot, you are funny. :roflmao:

Mr Pepperpot is just like Mr Carnation.
He snores most of the night and it sounds like a foghorn most of the time. That and a steam engine. And then he makes it worse by turning on his side, so I get full impact. I take it for so long and then I have to nudge him and he has the cheek to say; "Was I snoring?" He fidgets as well and makes the bed bounce when he turns position and takes two thirds of the bed and most of the duvet. Apart from that it is ok. :D
It does divert my Mind from the Anxiety, but if both are going at the same time, it's hell.

I have always had trouble sleeping Kimberley for as long as I can remember.
My imagination used to runaway with me, I didn't like the dark and I couldn't have dolls in the room; incase they came to Life! Too many Horror movies I expect. :scared15:

The visit to the GP sounds a familiar one. I had to try several GP's before they took notice. I finally broke down in the surgery one day and the GP gave in and did a swarm; (The Prime Minister's terminology for a lot), of blood tests for everything. Then you have Anxiety waiting for the results. But, I was pleased I had done this.
It is unfortunately a reoccurring pattern with Anxiety sufferers and GPs.
Why not leave it few days and try again with another GP and if they question you, you have at least the right to know if your blood pressure and cholesterol is ok.

You mention you are not far from the sea. Which County are you in Pepperpot? :)

You are lucky - at least Mr C asks if he was snoring - Mr P is like "I was NOT snoring, how dare you - YOU WERE" then goes into a huff. I am considering loaning him out to the coastguard to stand on the end of the pier and guide the boats in with his foghorn tendencies...

I am scared of my own shadow tbh. I woke up this morning (at 4.30am) and my bedroom door was wide open and it freaked me out so I got up.

I am in Northumberland. Lovely place.

Ans I have new forms for a doctors a few miles up the road which I am going to drop in today :)

31-07-15, 11:44
I got my OH to get a doctor's referral to a sleep clinic and they did a sleep assessment (wired him up to a few contraptions, bleeping lights etc) which diagnosed severe sleep apnoea. He actually got the phone call from the clinic the morning after he dropped off the machine +printout!

I have to admit that I celebrated because FINALLY he had to admit that he had a big problem. He was given a CPAP machine to use every night but the noise from that it very scary and keeps me awake more than the snoring does. Hence he doesn't use this expensive NHS on-loan device....

The latest is that an occupational therapist is going to arrange for him to have a device which forces him to lie on his side as his sleep apnoea is not so marked if he is in this position. He still snores though!

01-08-15, 21:11
I thought I was getting better. I have been fine the past two days. I stayed at my mams last night - we went for tea in a nice restaurant and I even had a couple of glasses of wine (I rang the pharmacist and they told me alcohol was fine as long as I wasn't getting rat-arsed). I had a rubbish sleep but put it down to being in a different bed. Today me, Mr Pepperpot and the kids went shopping. I was really excited. 20mins into shopping all of a sudden I felt dizzy and my throat felt like it was closing - I had a bottle of water and kept taking gulps - in the end I had to sit down in the middle of the shopping centre and I just cried. I felt such a fool. It lasted about 30-40 mins and then I felt ok again. I am at such a loss as to why this happened - I was trying to work it out - I was thinking "am I scared of crowds" but I really am not! Oh mannnn - it is such a mystery and I hate this :( My poor kids were freaked out too :(

02-08-15, 00:00
I am like that too Pepperpot. (I have to say that I do love your name.:D)
I carry a bottle of water around with me EVERYWHERE! It has become my comfort blanket. And I am like; "Where's my bottle?", "I can't go out if I haven't got my bottle." And every time I feel a bit faint, out comes the bottle.
It's awful when you are out and you feel this way and yes, it can be embarrassing, but you know most people won't even notice you, let alone realize you are having a bad moment. You must feel even worse when your kids see you like this.
Could you not say to them that you are over emotional with the Wedding thing, it may stop them worrying about their Mum? :)

02-08-15, 09:15
Ahhhh they have seen me melt too much to say that now. I also don't want them associating weddings with this as I want to be able to wear a huge hat as Mother of the Bride/Groom when they're older ;)
Bless them, I had a funny turn other day when driving and tried to conceal it as much as poss - they were like "are you ok mam - get out the car and get some fresh air for 5 mins" - I try my best to hide as much as I can from them but it's hard, and it's the school holidays so I can''t stay indoors with them all the time. :(

02-08-15, 20:45
Well I have had another crap day where I feel dizzy and whathaveyou - the newest thing s the lump in the throat thing - now I have felt like it is closing before but this felt different. I am so fed up now - I am going to the docs first thing. x

02-08-15, 23:12
It sounds like your Health Anxiety is through the roof, as is mine.

I even seem to be choking on my water. :ohmy:
I have been obsessing about a redness up my nostril and thinking it is Cancer! And there am I prodding and looking with a magnifier and thinking the worst.

I think going to the GP is a good idea. You can not carry on like this with the Wedding coming up and everything. :unsure:

03-08-15, 00:52
What a night. Had a meltdown and sister had to come over for hours. The throat thing is starting to freak me out now but I'll not go into that as it may trigger someone. Lying in bed hoping I can drop off to sleep soon :(

03-08-15, 01:28
Oh Pepperpot, I do feel for you. I had a similar episode with choking and one day I just decided I was going to challenge the choking and it just disappeared.
If you feel it would put your Mind at rest, go and see the Doc tomorrow. I hope you get some sleep. Can you put some nice music on that reminds you of good times? :hugs:

03-08-15, 09:36
I got to sleep Carnation but had awful dreams.
Thing is, I actually need to register at the docs first so in bout half n hour I am going to get dressed and go through with the forms.
I really cannot cope with the choking thing - I want to tell you so much whhy but I am so scared I will set someone off :(

03-08-15, 18:27
Pepperpot, you can always PM me if you want to give me more detail. :)

03-08-15, 20:25
Bit of a better day so far - registered at doctors but have to wait til Wednesday before I can make an appointment. I went out for the afternoon with the kids and my mam - just down the beach and got some chips but the fresh air is good. I have had a few choking episodes today but I have managed to get through them. Last night was horrific, so what I am going to do is fetch some bin liners upstairs so when I have an episode, I can jump out of bed and sort my wardrobe out (cos it needs doing you see-having a clear out for a car boot sale). Hopefully this will distract me.

How is everyone else doing? x

07-08-15, 00:59
Hi Pepperpot. Did you get that appointment?
I am at my Mum's at the moment; I go home tomorrow.:yahoo:
I also took one of your ideas of clearing out the wardrobe when I couldn't sleep.
Oh my, don't we collect a lot of stuff that we never seem to use? :wacko:

08-08-15, 00:53
Hi Carnation. Hope you are well. I did yes, I failed to tell him the whole truth though (ie I said I had no worries whatsoever) and he took some bloods which results come back Monday. I have been ok for a couple of days. Today not so good; I have the lump in the throat; it's awful, it's there all the time. Also when I go in the car it feels like when I go up in a plane-ears hurt, keep swallowing cos feels like pressure is building up and nose gets blocked. Am sick of this now. I'll pop on your thread now lol

08-08-15, 01:07
That sounds like a sinus thing Pepperpot. I suffer with that too and never had it before I got Anxiety. I have noticed quite a few members on here that have a similar problem. Do you like honey? Manuka is excellent, but very expensive, but really good for you. If not, local honey can still be productive. It would help with the congestion. :)

08-08-15, 02:55
Yes I love it, I thought it was sinuses too (which incidentally I've never had issues with before either) cos my nose just seems to block when I get that feeling. Can the doc do anything or do I sort it myself?

---------- Post added at 02:55 ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 ----------

This is getting silly. My son has just almost gave me a heart attack by bursting into my bedroom when I was asleep. Now I feel like my throat is doing its usual, my whole body is numb with pins and needles and I just cannot sleep. So tired :(

08-08-15, 22:33
Well I must have dropped off to sleep from exhaustion.
Night time is awful. My body is constantly riddled with pins n needles and I always have a lump in my throat.

11-08-15, 01:12
Bad day after no sleep; spent all afternoon in bed and all night :(
Felt better today though. My bloods came back ok so I'm going to see the doc tomorrow and tell him I can't be coping with these "attacks". If he can convince me fully this is anxiety then I want some tablets cos this is getting daft now. I'm a bloody bag of nerves!

11-08-15, 01:40
Me too Pepperpot. I am up most of the night and it does not make a difference what time I go to bed. I think my Mind just will NOT relax!!! Maybe I should have been born an owl??? :D Glad your bloods are ok. At least that is reassuring. :)

11-08-15, 23:22
Thanks Carnation.
Well I went to the docs. He said 40% (or it might have been 60%, I forget) of things people walk through the surgery door with go unexplained. So, anxiety gets blamed a lot for most symptoms. This did not make me feel any better lol. Then he said he thinks I should try Sertraline so I have some but not took one yet. I was ok today until tonight. Tonight I had the throat thing again (no trigger) and then I had the most foul taste in my mouth and I threw up too. Which burned. Now I'm lying in bed and keep swallowing as it feels my throat is clogged up with mucus or something. It's this that I struggle with. :(

12-08-15, 00:07
Hi Pepperpot. That sounds like Acid Reflux. I get it a lot!
I get the mucus thing too and congestion and choking fits.
It's all down to Anxiety and the Sertraline would probably help, but I have a phobia with pills, so I have to suffer.
My Partner is on Sertraline and he finds it ok.
Research some Threads on here about it if you want some feed back.

I have decided to put an extra pillow on my bed in hope that I will sleep through the night. (That would be a miracle). But you never know. :shrug:
I can't get off and then I wake up every two hours in a Panic and then I can't get up in the morning; I want to sleep in then. The stuff I used to do to help me sleep, don't seem to be working anymore. :shrug:

By the way, when is the Wedding? :)

12-08-15, 00:28
Oooo I'll look up acid reflux.
I was ok taking pills but recently I find it difficult so I crush em between two spoons and stick em in a bit of jam. :)
I've slept the past 2 nights. I'm scared of the dark (always have been) but I've been ok. The other night I could only sleep once it became light. Silly isn't it. What things did you used to try to help you sleep?
The wedding is in 2 weeks eeeeeek :)

12-08-15, 00:53
2 weeks!!!!! On my, are you ready? :D

It's good that you have got in a couple of night's sleep.
I am afraid of the dark too, but it's not just the dark, it's the nighttime.
I leave a small lamp on all night in a different room, so there is a slight glare coming through. I'm like a baby. :D

Ok, things I have done to get me to sleep.
Played a Relaxation CD, until I fall asleep.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Gentle Yoga
Breathing Exercises
Closed my eyes and pictured myself in a happy moment or place.
Foot massage
Shoulder and Neck Massage
Tried to stay awake, which makes you sleepy. :shrug:
Relax the stomach area by circular movements.
A walk in the evening; with my Partner for safety. (I protect him!) :D
Eat Chocolate. :) (It's supposed to keep you awake, but it works for me). :shrug:

I do sleep better in the Winter. In the Summer you have the heat, light, noise and early sunrise. And I sleep better if I have been out for the evening.

12-08-15, 22:01
No I'm not ready lol. At all. :)
My house is like Blackpool Illuminations; I think I have just about every light on upstairs in a night, apart from in my bedroom as Mr Pepperpot goes mad lol.

I'm trying the progressive muscle thing.
I have had a crap day. Rising panic all day (and I mean all) that is causing me to feel dizzy and my vision is going. Also I have been throwing up but there's nothing to throw up.

14-08-15, 11:09
Didn't have a good day yesterday. And today I think I'm going to stop taking the sertraline and look for other ways to increase serotonin levels as in terrified of side effects and also they are causing me to feel much worse than I feel anyway. My appetite has totally vanished; whenever I try to eat it feels like I physically can't, and my jaw feels weak and tired all the time (and is clicking).

18-08-15, 11:18
Well, I didn't have any withdrawal symptoms from the 2 days of sertraline, and tbh I feel better not taking them. I'm not eating properly since I lost my appetite taking them, and have developed fear that what I do eat will cause me to have an allergic reaction and close my throat. Wtf?
I'm well fed up. All this has stemmed from an incident nearly 5wks ago where I got a fright.

19-08-15, 02:13
Hiya pepperpot, i just read your thread and wanted to add one thing, when your breathing feels funny or heartbeat races just get cold water over your face, this will bring the heartrate down to notmal beats, wish i could help with your swallowing but cant, i used to be the same with my throat many years ago and the only time it started to fade away was when id had enough, i just said to myself go ahead do your worst and nothing happened, i went through a stage thinking i would swallow my tongue but after i got totally fed up with these feelings i just accepted them and they went away, im still not 100% cured but after being like this for 30 years ive just thought stuff it do your worst and nowt happens, i hope you feel normal soon god bless.

19-08-15, 02:27
Thanks for your advice and kind words Flipped.
It's 2.25am- why are we still awake? :huh: :D

I've never tried the cold water thing but I will next time x

20-08-15, 02:55
Hiya again, i seem to be up around this time lol i got no idea why but i also like the quietness at night so i come on here and read whats going on in peoples lives, i was like alot of people here at one time but the older i got the more relaxed i feel, dont get me wrong i still have bad days but not as many now. Please do try the water on your face if needed (hope you wont need to) let me know if you do though and if it worked xx

20-08-15, 16:49
Well, I have a water infection. I went to the docs all armed with demanding a kidney and liver function test and she said "but you had bloods done 2 weeks ago"; I said well yes but what for exactly? So she told me, and they were two of them. Anyway I'm on antibiotics and I was terrified taking the first tablet, and they've sent the sample off to the lab too.
Sick of itching, pins and needles and a heavy head and sore neck :(

20-08-15, 19:21
Hi Pepperpot. :)

Did they tell how long it would be before it clears up?
You could certainly do without this with the 'You know what?' coming up. :hugs:

21-08-15, 01:00
Nah they gave me 3 days worth and sent it off for lab testing. Has a bad night. Seems I have a lot of excess saliva today and have to keep swallowing, which is horrid cos it feels like I have a lump in my throat. Also it's hurting my chest (which feels cold). X

23-08-15, 23:43
Hi Pepperpot. I expect you are busy with The Wedding!
I hope you are coping ok and feeling better. :)

24-08-15, 00:12
Evening Carnation. I have been ok today as I have been gutting my house, it's very clean now :). I've had my appetite back the past 2 days, and I've finished my anti biotics. I've got horrific heartburn though, and terrible rising feelings coming up me throat (if that makes sense-I have to keep drinking water or coughing. I've still got funny twitching in my legs (mainly calf) too, and my right side is numb. I don't feel stressed about the wedding, but then again I haven't felt stressed about it at all and I'm still in this bloody mess :(

24-08-15, 01:06
Not all bad news then? :ohmy:
I get heartburn a lot and that throat thing, I think is acid reflux.
Twitching is the Anxiety and right side feeling numb will be the same culprit.

I have pain running up and down the side of my face tonight, a bit like neuralgia.

But I have to tell you about the Manuka Honey I have been taking.
It has cured my cough and my choking. I don't carry the bottle of water much now and I feel much better. I got a Manuka 15 and it tastes really nice. :)
I have also been getting to bed a bit earlier, still waking up in the middle of the night, but I am managing to get clumps of sleep. :D

24-08-15, 09:57
Aww that's good. The sleep thing I mean. I never sleep fully either, and at the minute I'm in the bottom bunk of my sons bed. It's so uncomfortable but he's not sleeping and waking me up do its easier. Mr Pepperpot doesn't understand and is not impressed but I need my sleep!! Are you waking in a panic or just waking?

28-08-15, 01:29
Hi Pepperpot. Is the Wedding on Saturday? And are you ready? :)

30-08-15, 00:39
Nah the wedding was yesterday :)
It was nice - had a bit of a stressful morning but I managed to plough through. I was knackered - I had went to bed at 1.30am only to wake about 3am and not get back to sleep. I was shattered during my party - I drank water most of the night, and had the odd glass of wine. I didn't feel myself the whole day which was a shame. x

30-08-15, 01:38
Congratulations Peperpot. :)
May you have a long and happy Marriage. :yesyes:

02-09-15, 14:24
Urghhhhh. My lips are really pale and it's panicking me