View Full Version : Headache, burning sensation and vision!

22-07-15, 23:54
So about a month ago I hit my head while I was standing up. Didn't knock me out but I instantly started to worry and of course Google worse case scenario. So the next day I started feeling pressure in my head. I would not stop worrying about it. The headache is slowly getting better but about 10 days ago my vision started to become weird I'm have after images and visual snow and stars. Now just 2 days ago I've been beginning to have burning sensations on my head and body. I've been to a general doctor and a chiropractor both gave me neuro test and said they think I'm fine and it's not necesarry for me to see a Neurologist. I've been non stop worrying and googling since it happened. I'm wondering and (think) all my symptoms can be anxiety and stress related because I haven't given my brain a break for a month. It's sometimes just so hard to believe. Has anyone ever experienced symptoms like this? I'm mainly worried about my vision :( any suggestions or stories.

Thank you!!

23-07-15, 01:23
Hi Mason! I do have head pressure quite often as well as pressure behind the eyes, inside the ears and on the forehead. I've also been having floaters. I did go to several doctors and they didn't seem concerned. It could be something related to your sinuses. Have you seen an ophthalmologist?

23-07-15, 05:34
I have not yet seen one I'm going to give it about a week. Glad to know I'm not the only one out there with these symptoms. Thank you :)

23-07-15, 22:32
Hi there Mason,

It's funny actually. I have a combination of both yours and Percy's symptoms.
Most of my visual disturbances have begun in the last two months after an extremely stressful period of my life. A good few months in full on health anxiety Hell didn't help. I was also Googling symptoms all day. When I noticed a few odd things in the mirror like my bloodshot eyes, I think my health anxiety latched on to them and began 'searching' for more and more symptoms. Since then, I've noticed hundreds of floaters, 24/7 visual snow (Even with eyes closed) which is worse in the dark and I've also had intense headaches.

It's difficult but I'm convinced that the anxiety has caused our physical symptoms and hopefully, when we manage to control our nerves, the symptoms will subside or at least, become less noticeable.