View Full Version : Thyroid

23-07-15, 03:29
One side of my thyroid cartilage area feels more prominent than the other side. It also feels very hard. Is everyone's thyroid cartilage perfectly symmetrical, or can it sometimes be more prominent on one side or the other?

23-07-15, 03:34
Bottom line is we're not symmetrical beings and cartilage is hard.

Positive thoughts

23-07-15, 11:34
I used to be an advisor for a thyroid charity. I guess you are male?? as women don't have an adams apple.

Its normal for men to have very knobbly adams apples especially if they have thin necks and some men have much more prominent ones than others. Nodule on a thyroid gland is actually seen in a different place on your neck and not the adams apple.

Obviously no one on here can diagnose and if you are obsessing over this then a Dr can have a feel and tell you straight away if its normal or not.

23-07-15, 12:38
Im not talking about my adams apple I'm talking about my thyroid .. I'm a woman

23-07-15, 17:20
Oh sorry. The advice group I worked for advised people to look in the mirror and turn their head to one side whilst still looking in the mirror and look and see if they had a swelling at the very base of their neck like a soft tennis ball size on one side or the other near the centre as turning your head is when any goitre becomes visible.

Have you asked your GP to have a feel of your thyroid gland as they can tell straight away if its normal or not?