View Full Version : Dizziness and shortness of breath

23-07-15, 11:07
Hi guys,
Today I'm really not feeling too good.
I binged on some hummus and breadsticks. Normally I eat very well and recently ride my bike about 10 miles a day or walk about 10 miles/do occasional yoga. For some reason I just ate and ate. I felt ok and went for a long walk and only ate a banana, some grapes and some pepper for breakfast. Then I walked the 6 miles to work.
I felt odd on the wall but towards the end started to get an almost vertigo type feeling and kept having trouble breathing. I kept stopping and drinking water and the breathing problem passed very quickly. I even tried the peak flow meter that was still lying around for when the doctors thought I may have asthma (I don't) and I blew a normal number but I know this isn't that accurate.
Now I feel very dizzy and tired and weird. And scared.
I'm trying yo convince myself its anxiety but I sleep badly and often feel like I cant breathe as i try and get to sleep.
I just ate a brownie and a hot chocolate, which in hindsight was a bad idea because it spikes your blood sugar too much, but im hoping it may help.
I'm stressed a bit because my period was meant to come last week and it hasn't and im worried its going to skip a few months like it keeps doing for last year and a half.

Gary A
23-07-15, 11:14
Sounds like a minor panic attack to me. You've probably hyperventilated a bit when you felt short of breath, this messes up your CO2 balance and causes the dizziness. Try slowing your breathing for a while and the dizziness should subside.

23-07-15, 12:25
Hi gary, Thank you for the reply.
I still feel very tired and out of it with a headache. My stomachs been playing up and my bowel movements are not great. Every time I go to the toilet my urine smells quite weird and I feel quite hot with a stiff neck and the top of my lip keeps being red and irritated.
I know I'm probably just over reacting but every bad thing; from worms to meningitis, to kidney failure to cancer are passing through my head and I'm very very scared.
I do feel quite ill, but seem to feel better when I sit down and just don't know what to do.
I'm really fed up with feeling like I'm going to die all the time. Or feeling like the world is separate from me or I'm seperate from me, or if not that fear of eating unhealthy things or being overweight or not excercisi g enough or not being hygienic enough.
I try my hardest to stop thinking about myself but its so terrifying.