View Full Version : Health Anxiety?

23-07-15, 11:25
Hello, I'm new here only joined this morning..

My anxiety started due to my health.. I had an hysterecomy operation early April and it all went well, I was absolutely fine but 7 weeks into my recovery I began to get pain and discomfort, I then developed blood in my urine and it frightened the life out of me, along with other pains too!
I was backwards and forwards to the doctors had a couple of investigations, scans, X-rays, examinations etc, etc, but they couldn't decide what was wrong.. I'm still under investigation..

Well I panicked, I got so worried, frustrated and totally overwhelmed, my doctors were then saying the anxiety was bringing on physical illness, but I had that first?? Ive never experienced health anxiety before.. I couldn't work, then the anxiety just took over.. I can't sleep, eat, drive, work.. It's awful I'm so worried about my physically health and now my mental health.. I'm single 59 year old lady, I feel so isolated and alone.

My GP has prescribed anti depressant/anxiety tablets, but I'm terrified to take them..

I hope I've posted this in the correct place? If not I'm sorry


23-07-15, 11:33
I understand how worried and panicky it can be even going for a operation is scary enough, but then to have the bleeding and pain , The unknown is very scary, and thats when your mind sets to work , and starts working like a washing machine what is this what if its cancer whats if its that etc etc, that automatically sets of the health anxiety which so many people suffer from, But you need to tell yourself you have had the scans xrays etc and all dont know whats wrong meaning its not nothing serious, if it was they would know about it, If you feel like everything is a struggle u need to get onto your cbt and ask cbt therapy to help you chanel your mind abit better, If you dont want the tablets then dont take them but if u dont mind taking them they will help you its nothing scary about them its the same as taking a parcetomal it will make u better , This is the right place if u need to chat just message away on here or pm myself or anybody else this is a great forum and we are all here for the same reason HEALTH ANXIETY

23-07-15, 13:47
I understand how worried and panicky it can be even going for a operation is scary enough, but then to have the bleeding and pain , The unknown is very scary, and thats when your mind sets to work , and starts working like a washing machine what is this what if its cancer whats if its that etc etc, that automatically sets of the health anxiety which so many people suffer from, But you need to tell yourself you have had the scans xrays etc and all dont know whats wrong meaning its not nothing serious, if it was they would know about it, If you feel like everything is a struggle u need to get onto your cbt and ask cbt therapy to help you chanel your mind abit better, If you dont want the tablets then dont take them but if u dont mind taking them they will help you its nothing scary about them its the same as taking a parcetomal it will make u better , This is the right place if u need to chat just message away on here or pm myself or anybody else this is a great forum and we are all here for the same reason HEALTH ANXIETY

Thank you for your reply, yes my first thought when seeing blood was omg, this could be life threatening, and because it's been going on for a little while my anxiety has got the better of me, I've tried so hard to be positive, but I'm fighting a loosing battle. I'm worried about my job, I cannot physically do it right now, I've been off work, including the time since my operation, 4 months! I've always worked full time, for 25 years, I'd be lost without it, but I cannot do it now, and I don't know how long it will take me to be well again, just can't handle it..

I have been in touch with an organisation called Time To Talk, they do cbt therapy, but I've got to wait 8 weeks before a proper consultation! The way I feel that's a lifetime away, my panic attacks are increasing, I know I'm going to have to take the meds, scared about side effects, I'm just about scared of everything, feel totally isolated...

23-07-15, 14:01
Hi Teresa. I can understand your reluctance with the meds, I have always refused medication.. However, it does help a lot of people and has to be a personal choice.. What is your fear of taking it ?

23-07-15, 14:12
Hello Teresa

I had an emergency hysterectomy following the birth of my daughter due to major complications. I wanted to tell you that I had a lot of blood in my urine a few weeks afterwards (haematuria?) and this was put down to infection. The bleeding calmed down after a course of antibiotics but it was quite alarming and after a hysterectomy you feel mentally and physically floored.

It's a major op and not one to be taken lightly. Anxiety symptoms and panic attacks could well be the result of post-op depression and trauma. Don't feel you're going mad-you're not but you are naturally terrified by how you are feeling. Consider every option regarding feeling more in control of the situation. If you can get to see a therapist promptly I think it would really help you to be able to discuss your worries with a trained professional.

23-07-15, 15:37
Hi Theresa,

I personally haven't had any experience with what you've been going the through regarding the hysterectomy so I can't offer any advice there!
All I want to say is you are not alone, there are plenty of fantastic people who are so supportive which is amazing help when you yourself don't have many people who understand which is my case.
I am also looking at the possibility of medication, just as a support. Have you spoken to your doctor about CBT or any other types of therapy? They don't work for some people but having the support and someone to chat too has definitely pushed me onto the right track.

All the best :)

Emma x

23-07-15, 17:24
I take it you must be from west sussex or around that area? as i have recently started with time to talk, And i managed to get a appointment in 2 weeks , its horrible letting your mind get worse of you especially when you cannot function, Its a real horrible feeling, but dont let it win

23-07-15, 17:51
Hi Teresa. I can understand your reluctance with the meds, I have always refused medication.. However, it does help a lot of people and has to be a personal choice.. What is your fear of taking it ?

Hi Libra,
My fear is side effects, I feel dreadful now and I've heard about the side effects making you feel ten times worse.. Also I live with my brother and his wife and he has made it quite plain that he cannot handle any kind of sickness, especially mental health, he has said taking tablets is a weakness, in fact he has been quite awful to me since I've been like this, so I don't want to be worse (with side effects) I have nowhere else to live.. But, I think I'm going to have to start them, I need some kind of help

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

Hello Teresa

I had an emergency hysterectomy following the birth of my daughter due to major complications. I wanted to tell you that I had a lot of blood in my urine a few weeks afterwards (haematuria?) and this was put down to infection. The bleeding calmed down after a course of antibiotics but it was quite alarming and after a hysterectomy you feel mentally and physically floored.

It's a major op and not one to be taken lightly. Anxiety symptoms and panic attacks could well be the result of post-op depression and trauma. Don't feel you're going mad-you're not but you are naturally terrified by how you are feeling. Consider every option regarding feeling more in control of the situation. If you can get to see a therapist promptly I think it would really help you to be able to discuss your worries with a trained professional.

Hi Pulisa
Well I thought it was an infection too, but after providing water samples I was told they were clear?!?
Of course that got me more worried!
Your right too, I didn't feel depressed directly after the op, but I think that appeared couple of months later, I am sad about it, and I do kind of mourn and feel grief for losing a part of my body, that nurtured my children safely all those years ago, so add that to the health anxiety and it's all spiralled out of control....

---------- Post added at 17:44 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

Hi Theresa,

I personally haven't had any experience with what you've been going the through regarding the hysterectomy so I can't offer any advice there!
All I want to say is you are not alone, there are plenty of fantastic people who are so supportive which is amazing help when you yourself don't have many people who understand which is my case.
I am also looking at the possibility of medication, just as a support. Have you spoken to your doctor about CBT or any other types of therapy? They don't work for some people but having the support and someone to chat too has definitely pushed me onto the right track.

All the best :)

Emma x

Hi Emma
I think this is such a supportive place, I'm so glad I joined, I'm physically alone, my brother and wife who I share a house with, do not want to support me, but it's good I can write here and you lovely people make me feel I have friends who know what I'm going through, won't judge me or call me weak and really want to help.. Seems you are the same as me, no one understands, maybe because they have never experienced it, or it scares them..
I have contacted the group offering cbt therapy, but because I live in South East London (busy, busy place!) the waiting list is 8 weeks.

---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ----------

I take it you must be from west sussex or around that area? as i have recently started with time to talk, And i managed to get a appointment in 2 weeks , its horrible letting your mind get worse of you especially when you cannot function, Its a real horrible feeling, but dont let it win

Hi tmckenzie
I live in South East London, there are a few time to talk places, but I only qualify for the one closet, which seems to be extremely busy!
You are quite lucky having only a 2 week appointment, I do know West Sussex, I'm bit more familiar with East Sussex though, I've worked around that area.

I'm trying to control my mind, it's so hard, and since I've had this anxiety/depression I've got this noise in my right ear, kinda like a high pitch buzzing, I'm thinking I've now got Tinnitus, I didn't have it before.
I don't sleep much since my doctor would not prescribe anymore sleeping tablets, I really need to sleep!!! The tinnitus is sooo annoying at night, I just cannot sleep :weep:

23-07-15, 18:36
I think living with family who have made it perfectly clear that they don't "do" any form of illness must be unbearable for you?
You have had a major operation and are grieving for the "female" part you have lost. I felt as if I'd been neutered although logically I realised that this wasn't true. It is normal also to feel depressed after surgery and it can take the body a year to heal itself.

if your haematuria has been fully investigated and no infection found it may be possible that part of the bladder was "nicked" during surgery and hence the bleeding? They thought this was the case with me but 3 weeks with a catheter was my undoing!

Tinnitus on its own can be very disturbing and distressing. Being unable to sleep just heaps on fuel to the fire of your health anxiety. Is there any way you could afford to see a private CBT therapist specialising in HA? Are you in the Maudsley's catchment area?

There is always the option of seeing a therapist before deciding on whether or not to take the meds? SSRIs can send your anxiety through the roof when you first start. I'm not scaremongering but it is a proven fact and if you are isolated you will feel even more vulnerable and frightened

23-07-15, 18:58
It is unbearable Pulisa, I feel I'm walking on egg shells all the time, I try to stay in my room, but that's becoming like a prison cell!
Unfortunately I cannot afford a private therapist, if I had the money I would..

It's not going to be easy taking meds and experiencing side effects, but I'm getting to the point where I need to do something.
I'm a grown woman, I should not allow another person to influence my decision, I want to get better, I've got to at least try and see if medication can help, you are right though, it will probably make me feel more vulnerable ... Oh dear, what to do!

23-07-15, 19:41
You desperately need some valued support through this. Do you have anyone you can confide in?