View Full Version : Does anyone else have lots of mind chatter

23-07-15, 14:18
For example, racing thoughts, mind chatter, overthinking, obsessive thoughts, intrusive thoughts based on fear, etc....

This is the only thing that depresses me, I feel so lost and helpless..... I've been to mental health assessments, they first diagnosed me as manic and now I went to my final assessment and they said that I am not manic, I just have obsessive thoughts and they didn't change my medication. I've been on Prozac for about 2 years, then on citalopram for a few weeks and now I am on zoloft, I was on 50mg but they upped my dose to 100mg and they said they will up it again to 200mg if 100mg doesn't work.

Obsessive thoughts run in my family. I also have hypochondria.

Most of these bad thoughts stem from religion and thinking that I am asking for bad things in my mind.... for example, I will read about something bad happening to someone on the news and my mind chatter will say "God forbid that" and then I will be thinking at the same time I do not want that to happen and then if my mind chatter mixes my thoughts up I have to correct my self over and over or I think that something bad will happen. Also I have intrusive thoughts were I think that I am asking for something bad that I don't want to happen to happen then I have to correct myself and it's always the same thoughts and fears over an over and over an over like a record on replay. They drive me crazy. And sometimes my mind plays tricks and games for example my thought will say "if this song plays next then that will happen" (that's an example) and then I test myself and tell myself and say well you had that thought yesterday about something bad happening this morning and it didn't happen so they can't hurt you but it's like it's an obsession and kind of ritual

I get scared like a thought or mind chatter can kill me.

Does anyone else get this? I feel like my mind never turns off. Does anyone have any tips?

They don't want to put me on anti psychotics because they feel like I don't need them.

If I just started 100mg sertraline yesterday from 50mg how long should I start to feel an improvement?

I just want a calm quiet mind

23-07-15, 18:47
Yes! I call it "Shit FM" . I manage it by practising "MIndfulness" its stops all the ,ind chatter instantly.............. try reading Ruby Wax's book on it. Its funny and informative without being too technical.


23-07-15, 22:40
It sounds to me like you are experiencing OCD with Magical Thinking themes that you attempt to counter with mental compulsions. I've had loads of this.

I really would suggest switching to the OCD board to get some advice from those with similar issues.

I would agree with Sarah in Mindfulness which resolved my intrusive thoughts.

Compulsions to counter am intrusive thought only serve to reinforce them. Your anxious reaction to the thoughts also reinforce them as the subconscious looks for emotional reaction, the stronger the better to confirm it has done something "valid". Notice I said "valid" not "correct"? Also don't push them away either ad that reinforces them too as found in studies.