View Full Version : Anxiety and worry! Why does my mind find things to worry about??

23-07-15, 15:17
I have always suffered with anxiety since the age of 17 (now 24)! It has always been controlled with medication and when I did get anxiety I would always be able to control it! I've recently had a baby and I've been through a bad time with depression and my anxiety has came back with a vengeance due to stopping my meds while I was pregnant! Anyway what I find my mind is doing now is thinking he about things that happened years ago and nothing has ever come of it but yet my mind is worrying about it!! Why now? It's never bothered me before! Is it because I have anxiety again? Once the anxiety is controlled again will these kind of thoughts go? I just don't understand why I am so anxious about something that happened a long time ago? It's like my mind is finding things to be anxious about? Why is it bothering me so much now is it because of the anxiety?? Does anyone else have this problem?

23-07-15, 20:41
I think it's probably just a case of you being vulnerable to negative mood triggers like that because of your current mood. Stopping meds definitely leaves you prone and vulnerable to knocks for a while.

People who suffer with anxiety are probably more prone anyway.

Have an answer to the triggers. Eg
Show the younger you understanding.
Learn from your painful experiences.
Use your painful experiences to help others who may be troubled by those situations now.

I'm largely over anxiety now but unfortunately I have a vast amount of triggers that can pop into my head any day, anytime. Try to just treat them like a bump in the road. Attach no meaning, put a positive, productive slant on them and forget and move on.

23-07-15, 22:32
I think it's your Ven increase. I had similar problems when I reached the adrenaline interaction threshold with my SNRI. See if Nicola had similar issues. For me it caused my low level OCD to explode.

24-07-15, 09:31
It's horrible it's like things that never bothered me before now make me nervous and worried! I just hope this nervousness leaves me soon the anxiety is horrible! I had the mirtazapine increased last night so hopefully that will make a difference in a few days too!! Xxxx

24-07-15, 09:35
It will pass.

Part of the fight or flight is too look for risks, dangers, etc and it heightens your senses too so sounds become louder, smells can change and even things that don't smell can become bad smells, lights seem brighter & bother you, you are on edge more, etc.

So, with SNRI's causing the increase in adrenaline it just means your fight or flight is higher than before and you stay on alert longer. I found it very unpleasant with my SNRI and I didn't know how I was going to make it but I just told myself that any day now it will break and things will be easier.

24-07-15, 13:38
Did your stomach constantly do flips? I feel like in waiting for a really big job interview or something! The nervousness comes and goes throughout the day it's awful x