View Full Version : Do others experience these feelings?

04-02-07, 12:23
I have been diagnosed with HA and also have catastrophic thoughts but what I really struggle with is the feelings that are with me 24/7, just at the back of my mind. It is a feeling of a continual waiting for the THING that is going to happen and therefore what is the point of doing anything as IT is going to happen anyway. I feel that as others get on with their daily lives I am just waiting, they are not aware that dreadful things are waiting for us all and that life is just a stressful struggle that has to be got through and for no reason. I find doubt in everything. The only thing that really matters to me is my daughter and the fact that I am responsible for her, I work hard to make sure the HA doesn't effect her but it is very tiring and I am constantly fatigued (not to mention the interrupted nights!). My partner constantly worries about me and my daughter and has so much stress that I am scared he will have a break down which will be my fault. I struggle with repeativeness of anything and anyone who has a toddler will know that this is how they learn, so I get really angry with myself for all the negative thoughts that I have. I suppose I just want to know that other people feel and think the same as me and that I am not really a bad person just a mis -thinking one!

04-02-07, 12:54
Many people think this way, probably far more than you realise. Have you ever sat in a busy city and just watched people passing by? Have you seen the looks on some of their faces? Lots look stressed, some look on the point of tears. Why do people smoke, take drugs, binge eat? In many cases to give them temporary relief.

We all worry and we all cope with it in different ways. Dare I say that so many of our worries are imagined? Look in the papers, how often do you read about something good? Put the news on and see who is the latest scapegoat. It's damned frightening. You think, if something like that can happen to them then can it happen to me? Worst case scenario, waiting for that imaginary time bomb to explode.

Life can be stressful, I think it's always been that way. It's a challenge. We learn from out mistakes. There will always be opposites.

Love can turn to hate.
Peace can turn to war.
Joy can turn to sadness.

Note the way that I've expressed this. Good going to bad. That's not the way it should be. We need to have a big rethink because bad can turn to good.

I commented to my husband that life now is so complicated. It's easy to commit a crime without even knowing that you've done it. I thought that it was easier back in mediaeval times. He said, that it wasn't really. Back then there were taxes and injustice. Might was right and if you could steal your neighbours castle then you could have it. Disease was rife and people died like flies.

So, life has always been hard. We come here to learn and it's not always easy. We have to accept life's knocks and keep going forward. They will always be there. BUT don't imagine that the bad things in life are queuing up at your door. They're probably not.


06-02-07, 20:10
Most of us on here suffer from catastrophic thinking. I find it helps to write down my thoughts and then write a rational response. I also do a thing that a psychologist said - would you bet your house on the bad thing happening? eg. I feel ill, I'm going to die - would you bet your house on dying in, say, the next six weeks? When you think about it like this, of course not. It helps me to be more rational about my thoughts.

06-02-07, 23:45

A bad person wouldnt write that post or worry about her husband and daughter. It is anxiety that takes us down as far as it can and those thoughts we hate we just cant seem to budge. But mate trust me ive been that low i didnt know where to turn, i couldnt even look after my daughter and that was my purpose in life. But in time i turned it round and you will to hun. We are all here to support you and we all understand how you feel, you are never alone on here.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".