View Full Version : Feel so low at the moment

24-07-15, 11:31
So I'm still suffering from this awful virus, which isn't helping my anxiety. My throat isn't quite as bad and my cough is loosening up but I just don't feel right in myself and that is just making me so anxious as I just want to feel well again.

I'm going to start taking venalfaxine but at the moment I'm reluctant to take it due to me still feeling unwell I don't want to find that the side effects make me feel worse than I do already if that makes sense.

I just hate feeling ill, waking up every morning and just want to feel better and I know coughs can linger for weeks but it's just that overall feeling of malaise that's getting me, mind you not sure if I'm making it worse by worrying so much!

24-07-15, 11:37
at the moment you have a virus thats all, nothing else, try hold of on the tabs if you can cope without, And think that you have a virus and you are ill and all normal people become ill for a few weeks sometimes, just relax annd let it pass

24-07-15, 12:16
Thank you for the reply. I keep telling myself that I will get better and I have been under a lot of stress recently so not surprised I've come down with something and it's not like I'm on my own lots of people I work with have it and it's lingering with them as well.

I just hate HA wish I could just be normal and not keep worrying about it.

24-07-15, 12:26
i know the feeling its horrible, We allways think the worse with it, I have like 100 freckle moles on my body and in the past 2 months iv gone through 4 of them as being worried about lol, but in reality i think they are fine haha, its mad i hate the feeling of it , even if i get a ulcer i worry , i really hate health anxiety its just absolutely nuts thinking 95% of the time, like yourself a virus feeling crappy, Thinking more into it and that automatically makes u feel down and depressed and the BIG WHAT IF comes into action and then u send yourself into fight/flight mode and then u feel like u cannot cope its so silly wish we cud just say shut up and stop being stupid and wasting our lifes worrying about somethin that isnt !!

24-07-15, 14:11
Ah sorry you have been going through the mole worry, I've had that too! (to be honest in my years of worrying about HA there aren't many things I haven't thought I had)

Thing is as you say it's so hard not to worry, I get a spot and if it doesn't go in a few days I'm off on one. I often wonder what it must be like to be normal and not think every symptom is a life threatening illness.

I think I need to start taking my medication, it does seem to give me an element of control on the irrational thoughts although I've not had Venalfaxine before so reluctant to take it whilst I'm still feeling ill.

24-07-15, 14:17
Im exactly the same, mouth ucler for more than 3 days and im panicking lol, Stomach ache i panic anything unsual or shouldnt be on my body i panic haha, im absolutely nuts , i have been precribed tablets but i am not traking them yet am giving the cbt a try first as i dont wanna be fixed on tablets if can do it without as they cannot be 100% good for our bodys , sometimes they thoughts we have are so mad it makes me laugh looking back at them but at the time im in panic mode and cannot think straight