View Full Version : Diabetes testing

24-07-15, 14:48
Hi All

I had a blood test yesterday to check for diabetes due to some symptoms i have been having, does anyone know roughly how long they take to come back?

24-07-15, 14:53
u can check for diabetes in a instant test

24-07-15, 15:04
I wish they did that for me! I was sent for a proper blood test, not sure how long it takes though for the Drs to get the results back.

24-07-15, 15:26
I would guess you either had a fasting glucose test or a none fasting HBA1C test which measures the average over past 8 weeks. Either of these will go to local hospital path lab. At my GP's the results usually come back in 2-3 days then have to be seen by a GP so I would expect you can ring up after 2-3 days and get the results.

If the result is for diabetes then the surgery will phone you as soon as they get the results as you will need to see the Dr so no news is usually good news when it comes to blood tests!

24-07-15, 18:44
Thanks Countrygirl

Its the HBA1C test that i have taken rather than the fasting one.

I shall give them a call Tuesday next week if i have not heard anything but im booked back in with my Dr next Friday for a follow up on the results anyway which im dreading as he has not got the best bedside manner!

As they say no news is good news and i hope it stays that way!


27-07-15, 11:48
Just wanted to update the thread and to say thanks for the answers i received.

My blood tests have all come back clear, i was tested for Diabetes, cholesterol,Vitamin d, Vitamin b12 and a FBC.

Still no idea what is causing my numb toe or the tingling sensations on my face but im pleased these tests all came back clear :)


27-07-15, 12:03
If all blood tests are clear then the most likely answer is anxiety I am afraid! Just one other thing do you have a bad back at all as I have most awful back and this gives me all sorts of strange sensations almost anywhere in my body. Just this past week every time I sit down I get a feeling as if something is walking up the back of my right lower leg - its so strong that the first time it happened I slapped my leg imagining a great big spider:)

After 4 days of this I bent down to pick something up and my lower back gave out as it is wont to do at times, thankfully not as badly as it can do but it proved beyong a doubt that the strange feeling on sitting in my leg ws due to my dodgy spine.

27-07-15, 12:15
Hi Countrygirl

Unfortunately my posture is dreadful!! working from home i sit in all sorts of, i suppose you could call them, unnatural positions as i try and type and look at my laptop screen, im going to make an effort to adopt a 'proper' sitting position when im working.

Im pretty sure this could have contributed to my toe issue and also my face sensations, i do tend to have a stiff neck at times and i know its all linked in.

You have been wonderful responding to my concerns in the last few posts i have made, so thank you :)

27-07-15, 13:51
So glad I have helped you, its a lovely feeling:)