View Full Version : Not sure if this is gastroenteritis or not

pheonix str7
24-07-15, 15:28
So it seems like I've had a stomach virus. It's the worst in the mornings. I'm on the 3rd day. Tuesday night I was feeling nauseous all of a sudden and had to throw up, then Wednesday morning I threw up again and had watery diarrhea shortly after (only once) Ever since then it's just been nausea that subsides throughout the day. It's like it resets in the morning, being the worst and then comes back at night as more of an upset stomach. Is this gastroenteritis as I thought?

It's easy to keep water and gatorade down and stay well hydrated, but really hard to eat. I've had an applesauce the first day, another applesauce with some toast the next day, and now I'm having some little toast this morning.

The main symptom is the recurrent nausea. I feel best in the afternoon, worst in the morning, and bad at night.

Haven't really been passing too much. Is this just a normal stomach bug/virus?

24-07-15, 16:55
sounds more like food poisonin

24-07-15, 17:00
I think you would be very unwell if you had gastroenteritis.

24-07-15, 17:01
sounds more like food poisonin

More like a bug. Food poisoning typically won't go past a day, especially if emptying the stomach was involved. Either way it's no fun. Just try to stay hydrated.

Positive thoughts

26-07-15, 19:49
There is a stomach virus going around in the US it lasts about 3 days. I had it and thought I had numerous horrific ailments for over a month. 500 dollars worth of uneccessary doctor bills later im fine and look foolish. I should have contributed that money to my cbt.

26-07-15, 20:00
I have stomach virus currently I think...woke up felt fine, then sudden diarrhea started and 2 hours later I started feeling like truck ran over me, and of course I had low grade fever.

I think you have food poisoning though.