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View Full Version : partner has anxiety...hoping to learn as much as I can.

24-07-15, 15:39
Hi everyone.

Found this forum on searching Google for help understanding anxiety.

My partner has anxiety.
I've been with my partner for a year. He did tell me straight away he had an anxiety condition and it's never been something I considered a problem. he did and still does try to hide his panic attacks from me.(and hide then from his ex wife who was not supportive towards him when they occured) he has issues being open about when he's struggling as in the past his ex would tell him to man up or grow up etc.

I'm looking to find out as much as I can about anxiety and what sort of anxiety he has (he has never seen a doctor about it) and understand how I can help him and support him.

Thanks and hello :)

24-07-15, 15:45
Hiya claramy and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

24-07-15, 15:46
It might be useful to ask him to go to his GP with you in tow,my wife did for me and it was enormous support.Well done for looking out for him ,the day he reaches out for help and support is the 1st day of his recovery.You will find plenty of support and help on here ,good luck

24-07-15, 16:00
Thank you. :)
I will offer that support as hadn't even occurred to me to offer to go with him

24-07-15, 21:01
Hi and welcome, I'm new here and have found that everyone is lovely. Yeah it may actually make him be determined to go to the doctors if you offer to go with him; his ex obviously wasn't much help so if he sees you offer support like that it may make him feel more able to sort his problems out and seek help. Good luck :)

24-07-15, 21:43
Hello and welcome from me too, I'm new here as well, I agree with what the others have said regarding going to the doctors with him, It makes a lot of difference to know you have someone prepared to support you through this.
Good luck :)

24-07-15, 22:45
What a lovely thing to read........A supportive partner

Acceptance is the key. Your partner needs to accept what he is feeling and he obviously has by talking to you about it. So you are both on that right road to recovery. I love reading such supportive threads like this.

Well done you for being so understanding.....is there anyway you can get him to open up and explain his anx issues and then maybe we can be of some help x

27-07-15, 00:22
Aww this post just gave me a nice warm fuzzy feeling, it's so nice to see someone being so supportive of what most people think isn't even a problem! That's lovely, he's very lucky to have a great supportive partner.

I hope you get all the advice and help that you both need.

Therese x