View Full Version : Anxiety and hangovers

24-07-15, 16:09
Does having a hangover make anxiety worse? For the last couple of months I've had terrible anxiety and have been suffering bouts of depseronalization, dizziness and generally spaced out all the time. I feel like i'm off balance and my vision is kind of delayed in focusing. This has been on and off and started again this week.

I was out with some friends last night drinking and today I have a terrible hangover in work. I feel like I am not really here and my vision is blurred and I am totally spaced out and i've been fighting a panic attack for the past couple of hours. This is seriously the worst feeling in the world. :scared10::foot:

24-07-15, 16:22
Unequivocally YES! I'm a firm believer that alcohol and anxiety are not bosom buddies or at best are fair weather friends (fine when you're hanging out drinking but talks about you behind your back).

Positive thoughts

24-07-15, 16:29
Without a doubt yes! Alcohol gives me anxiety. However if I drink in moderation I am fine.


24-07-15, 16:40
Generally I don't drink enough to have a hangover so my anxiety doesn't get "as" bad but I overdid it a little last night and had an early start this morning. I felt OK getting up for work because I guess the alcohol hadn't fully wore off but I felt like I was going to faint on the train and once I sat at my desk I have just felt horrendous. I really need to limit what I drink, this is sooooo not worth it

24-07-15, 16:41
Abstaining from alcohol if your anxiety is an issue would be a good idea too.

24-07-15, 16:54
100% yes mate, a hangover typically involves lack of sleep, fatigue and mainly your body running very low on essential sugars, salts, you name it.
so a hangover is very similar to the feeling a panic attack can give you, or low blood sugar too.
I used to drink heavily and suffer absolute terrors the next day, these days I hold back quite a bit and make sure to down a pint of water and fruit juice before bed.

if you do have a hangover I can recommend something to settle your stomach like an antacid - in uk we have things like alka seltzer, resolve, gaviscon etc not sure what they`d be in america but they`ll help with the sickness, lots of water sipped gently, and some painkillers.

Followed by an absolute promise, in fact a blood oath - NEVER to drink again! Until next time!

take care and joking apart if you`re prone to panics anyway I`d ease up on the drinking if you can, as well as energy drinks, and try to eat well and regularly to stabilize your blood sugar

good luck


HAHA! Thanks Paul you gave me a giggle mate. Yes they have Alka Seltzers here in the US and I have always relied on them for hangovers before anxiety to settle my stomach when I lived in the UK (expat from NI) I took 2 as soon as I got into work this morning and I think they have definitely helped the nausea.

If only I could get this spacey, blurry, dizzy, off balance feeling out of my head / eyes that I have daily my life would be much happier.

26-07-15, 03:44
Yes if your prone to panic feelings the next day hangover can be unbearable at least that's how it is with me .

Good luck