View Full Version : just wanted a moan !!!

04-02-07, 13:03

I just need to vent a bit.
I'me annoyed how little understanding I get from my family concerning my anxiety and p/a's. I look ok so i must be fine. They say it's all in my mind, I bring it on myself. But it is my mind, thats whats sick.
My Husbands told don't be too soft with her, sympathy will make me worse. But don't I deserve a bit of sympathy and understanding.
Don't get me wrong , my hubby deserves a medal for putting up with me sometimes. He trys his best. It's just other members of my family who don't try and understand. I think i just basically get on their nerves.
At the end of the day it's an illness like any other so why can't they be there for me more. And it's not that they don't understand what I'me going through coz they have been there themselves. I feel so alone with all of it.
Thanks for listening.

04-02-07, 13:15
Hi Tracey

You are sooooo right it is very very difficult for people who havent suffered to understand how it feels to live with such strains, I dont think they understand how physical the symptoms can be, they think we can just push on and get on with things 'easier said than done' as WE well know[^]

That is why this forum is a great support for us as the people here DO understand how it feels hun, as for the ones who havent experienced it well that ignorance must be bliss[8D]

Remember you are not alone though we are all here to support.

Luv Pinky

Yesterdays history, Tommorows a mystery, today is a gift, thats why its called the present.

04-02-07, 13:25
Hi Pinky

Thanks for your reply.
NMP has been such a big help to me.
I'me so glad i found it.


04-02-07, 13:32
Hi Tracey,

Never feel alone hun we are all here to listen. xxx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

Brandy snap
04-02-07, 14:56
Hi Rosebud,

I know just what you mean. When I was referred to a Counsellor my Father said 'If your pride will let you'. The illness nearly wrecked my marriage and my husband also deserves a medal. I gave his best shirt to a rag and bone man when Ativan changed my personality. I am the quietest person in the world normally but Ativan made me change. Went back to quiet self when came off it. I was 'normal' till a fire broke out in a linen cupboard outside my ward when I was in hospital for a minor infection. Freaked out cos scared, was put on tranquillisers and have had tranquilliser problem since 1979. Keep posting. I'm on here every day almost! Love Brandy Snap xx

04-02-07, 16:13
Thanks Brandy and Mandy.

My Mum and Dad have passed away and I really miss their support. I know they would have been there for me 100%.
Losing them sent me on a downward spiral.
Some of my Family just can't see or don't want to see how hard things are and have been for me.
Don't have many people to talk just my poor hubby.

04-02-07, 16:36
Hi Rosebub
Youll get loads of support on here. There are so many kind and caring peolpe here, its a great site.
Take care

Granny Primark
04-02-07, 16:52
Hi rosebud,
Its annoying that people can understand a broken leg but they cant understand a broken mind.
I know what you mean about your parents. I still long for the love and support of my mum yet shes been dead almost 23 years.
Brandy i felt shocked about what your father said when you were referred to a councellor.
Its just shows peoples ignorance to this illness.
Before i started with panic attacks i too was competely oblivious as to how a persons life could change cus of panic.
The great thing about this site is the understanding and support we all get from one another.

Take care

04-02-07, 18:33
Hi Lynn

Thanks for your reply.
My mums been gone 7 years my dad 3.
Since then i've just sort of been drifting along with no sense of purpose to my life. Without my hubby don't know where i would be.
I think if i had kids i would have maybe have got through things a bit better. I want to move on for my hubbys sake not just mine. My mum was the rock who held everything together. I'me 42 but i sometimes feel like a frightened child. I think when you lose your parents it forces you to grow up whatever age you are.

Granny Primark
04-02-07, 21:13
Tracey im 52 and still feel like a frightened child.
Glad youve got a supportive husband.
Mums are the rock that keep familys together. But sometimes a mum gets ill and and that person that used to be a rock changes and its difficult for the children to accept that they need to give help and support instead of recieving it.
Pse feel free to pm me any time you like.
Dont feel alone cus there are so many people who will befriend you and do their best to help.

Take care

04-02-07, 21:52
Rosebud well at least you have the site now to get stuff off your chest and you know damn well we understand!!

It's one of those things I'm afraid that very few people understand - until they have their first panic attack that is!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

04-02-07, 21:54
its the old pull yourself together syndrome, or what u need is to get out more, thats good since im agrophobia, dont they think if we could we would. glad u hav support of good husband. my mum tries2support me. my sister offered to drive me2 river so i could throw myself in yesterdsy, shes not great in support.my brother is psy nurse but he just doesnt want to no so i no how it feels to feel alone and u can feel alone in a room full of people.just want2 let u no your not alone in your thoughts, im there with u. take care.


05-02-07, 10:58

Thanks to all of you for your support.
Made me feel heaps better.
Pamella that was a dreadful thing for your sister to say, it must have hurt.
Well at least i know i've got you lovely folks on here to lend a helping hand.
God bless ya !!!