View Full Version : Head pressure with no pain

24-07-15, 21:04
Hi! I'm a 23 year old female who has been suffering from constant head pressure for about 2 weeks now. It's very noticeable and annoying but it never hurts. It feels like something is trying to push out of my head, and the spot can vary. I've felt it on both sides, in the back, and on the top. I've been to multiple doctors and all have said different things but never seem concerned. I am convinced I have a brain tumor. The only other explanation I can think of is sinuses, but the signs don't really add up. I do have slight nasal discharge and pressure feeling in my right ear. Other than that just constant pressure. It's gotten to the point where it's all I can think about and it's ruling my life. I do have an MRI scheduled for August 4th but I don't think I can wait that long. I'm really looking for someone who has or had something similar that has ANSWERS. I have no other noticeable symptoms besides just being very anxious and scared and a little cloudy headed. Thanks in advance!

24-07-15, 21:24
I often get weird head pressure with sinus congestion , top, left , it varies.. Also get feeling behind eye on affected side.

24-07-15, 21:32
Did your sinus issues go away on their own or did you need treatment/antibiotics? Also how long did your pressure last? Mine has been constant for 2 weeks with no signs of letting up. Thanks

25-07-15, 18:48
I am suffering exactly this. People look at me like I am crazy when I say it feels like something pushing out of my head. I get this on one side only in different spots. Its caused major panic attacks for me. The fact that it's painless doesn't help, it just feels odd and I react to odd with panic. My right ear hurts on and off too. Do you feel the pressure pushing outwards inside your ear?

26-07-15, 05:07
Hey guys, I've been having head pressure for a long time too. Along with fullness in my ears and pressure behind my eyes. I guess that wouldn't scare me so much if I didn't also have throbbing in my head. I'm hoping it's just sinus related.

26-07-15, 23:55
I am suffering exactly this. People look at me like I am crazy when I say it feels like something pushing out of my head. I get this on one side only in different spots. Its caused major panic attacks for me. The fact that it's painless doesn't help, it just feels odd and I react to odd with panic. My right ear hurts on and off too. Do you feel the pressure pushing outwards inside your ear?

Yes it feels like my ear is plugged although I can hear fine. It doesn't hurt though. I also have the constant head pressure. How long has yours lasted? Have you been to the doctor for it?

---------- Post added at 22:55 ---------- Previous post was at 22:53 ----------

Hey guys, I've been having head pressure for a long time too. Along with fullness in my ears and pressure behind my eyes. I guess that wouldn't scare me so much if I didn't also have throbbing in my head. I'm hoping it's just sinus related.

This sounds like sinus stuff to me. Not what I am experiencing. Most of my pressure is in the back and sides of my head and right ear.

27-07-15, 00:19
Yeah there are so many causes for head pressure it's kind of mind blowing. I was up till 4:00 AM last night searching this medical website for advice about head pressure. What I could conclude from that was that:

1- a brain tumor tends to manifest with seizures (according to some doc) so when someone presents with head pressure it's way way down the list of possibilities.

2- there are less serious neurological issues that could cause it, including benign intracranial hypertension, inner ear issues, tinnitus, some types of migraine.

3- Allergies can cause chronic sinus issues.

4- there are muscle-skeletal causes ranging from nerves to muscles to TMJ.

Hope this helps :-)