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15-10-03, 20:00
I was given this last week by my doctor. Only took 20mg Monday and Tuesday. I keep abit light-headed. My heart also keeps running!is this normal?im abit worried about it! Jen x

15-10-03, 20:04

If you can wait until tomorrow then Radar (Meg) may know some more about this but she is away at the moment.

I have no knowledge of it - sorry, but I do know that a lot of anti-depressants make you feel light-headed when you first start taking them.


15-10-03, 20:12
Ok thanks x

15-10-03, 21:51

Did you look at the info on my site about this cos a common side effect is dizziness. Go to:



16-10-03, 20:02
Dear Jen

re: Propranolol this is a medicine called a beta blocker, it is not an anti-depressant it works by blocking out the feelings of a fast heart beat therefore reducing anxiety symptoms.

16-10-03, 21:04
hya jen,
as fiona says, its a beta blocker,and is often given to help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety,such as palpitations,shakes,sweating etc , by reducing the heart/pulse rate.
as with all drugs,there maybe side affects,but ime sure your gp will be able to put your mind at rest...best wishes...bryan

16-10-03, 21:34
Thank you i dunno what to think so ive stopped taking them! Cant be bothered Jen x

16-10-03, 21:46

You will have to go through the same symptoms with all drugs - they take time to kick in.

You just have to trust in them and persevere.


17-10-03, 00:25
Hi Jen,

I think you've decided what to do anyway and you've had lots of good advice and information here already

Betablockers are usually used at full dose to reduce blood pressure . For anxiety amd panic we get a lower dose which slows down your heart rate sufficient to reduce the racing heart leading to shortness of breath spiralling into a panic state fuelled by the fear of what might be happening to you.

It may also lower your blood pressure a bit which may make you feel lightheaded/ dizzy. It's just doing what it says on the tin !! If you are seriously dizzy go back and review with GP , if it's only a bit and it's helping you anxiety wise then persevere. These should kick in immediately and seems they have by what you've said.


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