View Full Version : woried one sided head/ear pain due2wisdom tooth

04-02-07, 16:40
I been having constant pressure headache on the right side...and right
sided ear pain. even my eye seems sore. i been gettin this pain for sometim on and off but at moment seems worse ever.

denist said it could possibly be due to a wisdom tooth trying to grow out of the gum on the top right. i can feel the pointy bit of the tooth but its till under the gum.

I am having a hard time getting myself to believe that the wisdom tooth are the problem, I always suspect the worst like a brain tumor.

It just seems like the wisdom tooth are too much of an easy answer. And if it is the tooth why is the pain only on the ear and not the gum wer the tooth is coming out.

Could all the ear and head pain be from
that top wisdom tooth slowly trying to move over the last year?
can it take that long for it to grow out? i cant stop thinkin that it seems strange that the tooth has been trying to grow for almost more then a year and hasnt managed to even com out of the gum.

anyone had experienced similar pain and how long did it take for ur wisdom tooth to grow out...

thank u


04-02-07, 19:15
I am very well experience when it comes to wisdom tooth pain. When mine came through i was in horrendous pain. Like you i had head pain, eye pain, jaw pain, ear pain - everything hurt!
Don't worry - wisdom teeth ARE a pain!


04-02-07, 19:54
As I recall, when you get pain far away from the source it's called referred pain. I had this with a vengeance when I had a problem with one of my wisdom teeth. The ache went up the side of my face into my ear and up to my eye. I was very, very unpleasant.


04-02-07, 20:00
thanx for the reply...really apperciate it.

how long did it take for ur wisdom tooth to grow out...i think mine has been tryin to come out for almost a 2 years but is still under the gum.

is it common for them to take long?


04-02-07, 20:09
My daughter is 24 and she still has only partially erupted wisdom teeth. Fortunately they're not causing her any bother.

My problem was with a root canal infection in my wisdom tooth. It had to come out eventually but then I am a lot older than you.

One way or another these things get resolved. Don't worry too much.


05-02-07, 15:03
Also worried about pain on one side of my head. Mentioned it to my doctor and he said if it was a brain tuomour there would be lots of other symptoms and as I first noticed it about 3 months previously I would be very ill by now. Which obviously I'm not.

Sure its just your wisdom teeth but possibly tension headache.

Take care

06-02-07, 02:45
I had this problem for a couple of years! It's one of the reasons I got an MRI, which was normal of course. I had wisdom teeth on my left side that were coming out for 5!!! years. It caused pain on the left side of my head and ear, eye pain, sometimes a throbbing on left side of head and ear, and also a feeling of fullness at times. I also had the eye pain too. I had it removed and voila! My ear sometimes gets full still when I am sick but that's it. It's your wisdom tooth. I had a hard time believing this too but it was. Hope this reassures you.:D

07-02-07, 23:41
did you ever feel like your head was being crushed and your throat was being chocked with it?

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

08-02-07, 18:38
hey airwolf...

i dont get the choking feel...but the head crushing i do experience.

